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Topic: head vs heart - Sundar Naga Started 8 years, 10 months ago
Posted 9 years ago
Dear Doug, You wrote in the thread on vulnerability: “I do believe I see a frightened part active in you that sees being intellectual as of great value both in life and in creating authentic power. I believe the spiritual partner guidelines and your intuition will help you find if that is indeed a frightened part in you. Only you can find this answer for yourself. The Universe will always answer your questions if only you are willing to ask and then are willing to listen to the universe over your own thoughts.” Please note that I asked a related question with complete trust in the Universe, and I asked it to none other than Gary and Linda during the live call on spring cleaning: Let us say that someone reads your Seat of the Soul, Heart of the Soul, Mind of the Soul and Spiritual Partnership. He starts to feel that the contents seem to make sense. So, he wants to analyze them deeper and understand them well enough to apply them in the Earth school. Does such a feeling originate in fear and is it something that needs to be spring-cleaned? If I understood Linda’s response correctly, she said they wrote the books for people to understand. She appeared to me to imply that it is not something that needs to be spring-cleaned. In case you were there and listened to her response, and if you find that I misunderstood it, I would really appreciate your comments and clarifications. Of course, Linda also pointed out that one should apply such understanding in life. My goal for understanding is just that. I have a question in regard to head vs heart, which I will raise in my next post when time permits. With love and trust, |
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Posted 9 years ago
Dear Sundar, Reading Gary and Linda’s books and resonating with what I read I believe was evidence that my multi-sensory perception was alive and active in me. But what now, what next? For me I saw explanations of why I was doing things that I knew were not behaviors I wanted to continue. What I was reading exposed the cause behind many of my actions, namely fear. Again for me it has been a process of learning to recognize when I am thinking and acting from fear. Sometimes it has been obvious and other times not obvious at all. In some instances I was convinced my behavior was loving when later I saw the truth that a deep hidden fear was actually driving my behavior. Many times my spiritual partners have said to me, Doug when you said that, is it possible you were speaking from a FP. Sometimes they add a detail such as “a FP that wants to Care Take”. I can and have at times started a word study or listened to Gary and Linda’s videos on Care Taking. That helps me understand what Care Taking is, what it looks like, what is generally behind it that is based in my fear. But at that point for me I have to turn the searching light away from the books, away from the videos, and away from the words my spiritual partners have spoken to me and focus on me. In order to grow I have to go inside and find my intention for what I said. I want to practice spiritual awareness to help me go inside. I practice listening to my intuition. I practice opening myself up to all the universe has provided me to become more spiritually aware. My goal is to get skilled so I can “check myself” realtime so I can detect a FP before I speak or act. Then there is an entirely new area of my journey to practice and that has been how to challenge a FP that has become active before I speak or act from it. For me knowing what is proper and doing what is proper have been difficult because just knowing I am frightened does not mean I am challenging it in that moment. So as your spiritual partner I have shared with you what I thought I noticed in you. It does not mean I am right. I am not skilled at finding my own FP’s and I am just beginning to support others. But for you and I to intellectually dissect this topic I do not believe will help either of us find and heal our FP’s. My FP’s are inside and not in books or words. With love, Doug |
Posted 9 years ago
With respect to the ‘head’ part of the title of this thread, a clarification as to what I mean by ‘understand’ is probably in order here. To me ‘understanding’ means ‘making proper connections’. I normally find the following analogy useful. I can consider any single information stored in my brain as a specific link in a chain of links. There are many different kinds of chains, each kind consisting of links that are connectable to one another. A given chain may consist of correct links, namely correct information or of wrong links, namely wrong information. When I come across a new information, if I am able to find a suitable chain to which this new link, new information can be properly connected, I go “Oh, I see!”. On the other hand, if I am unable to make such a connection, either because there are some missing links which I need to find first or because there are some wrong links that prevent the very process of proper connection, I go “Hmm, I am lost!”. The first paragraph I wrote when I started the thread on vulnerability was: What I meant was that I couldn’t make a proper connection between the various information I already had in my brain by reading Gary and Linda’s books and the new information I was coming across regarding vulnerability in those books. But, I had to let it go as I had no way of getting the missing links or the wrong links replaced with correct links. That is why I was joyful when Gary and Linda discussed the topic on the live call. So, I went back to the books and reread. But, I was still missing some links or having wrong links. I decided to seek the help of the knowledgeable spiritual partners on this community board. One of Doug’s posts served as a wonderful turning point. Making use of it, I then continued with my own efforts and I started to feel that my understanding of the terms vulnerable and vulnerability was getting better and better. Some time ago I happened to see the term ‘vulnerability’ used in an opinion column in regards to the 2016 presidential election and for the first time I felt I could somewhat attempt to understand the use of the term. I will kind of quote the statement, but obviously it does not matter at all which candidate the reference was to. The author of the column expressed the opinion that the others started to highlight the candidate’s “actual vulnerability: [the candidate’s] inability to think for an extended time about anybody but” own self. The fp referred to here is obviously selfishness. The candidate, like anyone else including the Chinese old man that Gary refers to in his book, is vulnerable if his or her soul had decided to bring this fp with him or her in this lifetime. IF this is indeed an fp inside the candidate, and IF he or she does not take the steps to address this fp, then vulnerability exists. The candidate is prone to experiencing painful consequences. This understanding, namely making the connection, in turn helps me turn my focus inward (which is the reason for attempting to understand). In what all ways am I vulnerable? (Meaning, what are all the fp’s that my soul must have decided to bring with me in this lifetime for me to work on?) With love and trust, |
Posted 9 years ago
We all know that one of Gary’s important terms is Divine Intelligence. For example, while phrasing an equivalent form of the serenity prayer as in the last live call, Gary uses this term in place of God. (Very understandably, I think, since we see all the time the strong, cunning roles played by fp’s in the name of various religions and the so-called corresponding Gods – something that obviously needs to be addressed in some fashion during the efforts toward spiritual growth.) The Divine Intelligence has designed this whole amazing thing we are all part of, which Gary explains so beautifully and wonderfully in his teachings. I believe this leads to some important questions that are probably relevant here in this discussion. Given their importance, I choose to raise them here. Should one not attempt to understand initially at least a little of this Grand Design by the Divine Intelligence before starting any corresponding practice? How can one practice anything at all without some initial understanding at all? And, should not the practice only get better and better as the understanding grows? Thus, should there not be a continuing effort to understand this Grand Design and the associated terminology, ideas, etc. to allow the practice more and more efficient and more and more effective? If the answer is yes (which is what I assume the answer would be), how can one dub any attempt to ‘understand’ the Divine Intelligence’s Grand Design an fp? Understanding has to do with intellect or intelligence. If one dubs it an fp, then substituting Intelligence with FP, Divine FP becomes an irony and an oxymoron. Doesn’t it? And, the term Gary uses is not Divine Emotion, but Divine Intelligence. I immediately want to share very emphatically that I am not in any way belittling the importance of emotion when I say the above. I know the importance of emotion as I have been practicing Gary’s teachings intently and have brought about significant changes in my life and hence in my environment (thanks so much to Gary) and intend to continue the practice. All of the above I consider so important in this thread because I am told (by not one spiritual partner or two, but quite a few) that intellect is an fp. I am at a loss. I want to understand how it can be. In fact, a spiritual partner (who I believe has attended a number of Gary’s events) said recently while talking with me that she was talking TO an fp and not ABOUT an fp (if I understood correctly since this usage was totally new to me and I don’t remember reading it in any of Gary’s books) and thus, I think, preferred to leave rather than continue the conversation. I said something like ‘please don’t feel obliged to continue; please feel free to leave’. (But she chose to stay on the conversation for whatever reason.) I think that incident has made me think a lot along these lines. I completely trust the Universe. The fundamental question to me is: Does my first post in the vulnerability thread reveal an fp? If so, how? Which statement(s) of mine there reveal(s) it? What am I missing? Why am I not able to see it? Is any effort to understand what Gary’s terms vulnerability and vulnerable mean in the various contexts in which he has used them wrong, when the truth is that Gary and Linda designed the live call on vulnerability to eradicate any possible misunderstanding about these terms? In fact, I asked for help from the above spiritual partner and am waiting. If needed, I can give my personal email address or phone #. I am so bent upon learning and realizing how my first post in the vulnerability thread reveals an fp. (Of course, I realize that after a point I have to let all this go if there is no response at all from anyone concerned. Again, I completely trust the Universe and its amazing plans.) With love and trust, |
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Posted 9 years ago
Dear Sundar, Sometimes my thoughts are loving, patient, compassionate, accepting and other times my thoughts are judgemental, jealous, and even vindictive. It has been so perplexing and frustrating to me my whole life to live and experience this “splinteredness”. Parts of my intellect clearly are loving and just as clearly to me parts are not loving. When I speak, write, or act from one of my non-loving (frightened) parts I hurt, feal real pain in my body, and create painful consequences for myself. This has been such an agonizing reality for me, wanting to manifest love but instead acting unloving. Today it is not nearly so agonizing because I am growing to see, understand, that I am truly splintered in my personality. As I meet my splintered parts I am in a better place to make more responsible choices about whether I will allow that part to speak for me or not. What I have found interesting is that I am often confused about whether a part of me that is doing my thinking and perhaps talking at the moment is loving or frightened. I would have thought it is obvious but for me many many times I was wrong in my assumption. For example I recently experience an amazing moment of “Grace” I call it when the love of the universe for me just wash over me. For a time all I could see or think just felt loving, open, gentle, hopeful, beautiful. I called it my mountain top experience. That experience did not last and later my frightened thoughts started to assert themselves again and it was back to the task of choosing responsibly moment by moment. I reflected to a spiritual partner that I wanted to just live on that mountain top and only experience that feeling of love 24×7. They said that that desire was from a frightened part of my personality. Clearly I did not comprehend that so now what? Do I ask them to explain it to me, convince me? I chose to put the possibility of what they suggested out to the Universe, to my non-physical guides and teachers. Basically I chose to listen for the answer and wisdom to come from my intuition and my experiences in this world. In otherwords I was open to my spiritual partner being right because I have grown to know my FP’s are not always obvious to me. My being open was loving, from a loving part of my splintered personality. For me I want to become aware and well acquainted with all of my FP’s so that I can begin to heal them, align them with the healthy loving parts of my soul. So my intention is to be wide open to any suggestion of a FP of mine showing itself. Even though it is painful for my FP to be active it is there to help so I remind myself often that this is a good and loving thing I am doing searching for my FP’s. You suggested at some point you might just have to let go. Letting go of having to be convinced might be the loving response. I love and appreciate you deeply, Doug |
Posted 9 years ago
Dear Doug, You wrote: “Sometimes my thoughts are loving, patient, compassionate, accepting and other times my thoughts are judgemental, jealous, and even vindictive. It has been so perplexing and frustrating to me my whole life to live and experience this ‘splinteredness’.” Given Gary’s wonderful contributions to the understanding of it all, I don’t see why it should be so perplexing and frustrating. One fundamental postulate of his is that my soul has brought with me certain lp’s and fp’s with the expectation that I challenge the fp’s and cultivate the lp’s so I can give the gifts that my soul wants me to give. The same is the case with everyone including you. In other words, that is the Design of the Divine Intelligence. Although since young I read a number of books to understand it, it was Gary’s that finally helped me make sense of it all, especially through the above postulate. It is something I found only in Gary’s work, nowhere else, whether it is Bhagavad Gita or whatever. (Incidentally, a postulate is a statement that is assumed to be true without our actually knowing whether it is true or not, but the whole idea of such a statement is to help us make sense of, understand and explain facts that cannot be made sense of, understood and explained otherwise. Since I am unable to see my soul, I cannot consider it a true statement. But, to me, it is an extremely, extremely powerful postulate that explains it all.) So, there is no need to feel perplexed because, by Design, there are going to be both kinds of thoughts. Much more importantly, it is probably dangerous to feel frustrated by this situation. This situation is not my fault. It is by Design. Instead of feeling frustrated by it, I need to remember that I am expected to challenge the fp’s and cultivate the lp’s. And, only by doing so, I can give the gifts that my soul wants me to. With love and trust, |
Posted 9 years ago
Dear Doug, You wrote: “I reflected to a spiritual partner that I wanted to just live on that mountain top and only experience that feeling of love 24×7. They said that that desire was from a frightened part of my personality. Clearly I did not comprehend that.” Isn’t the ultimate goal of it all to live on that mountain top 24×7? Isn’t that the journey we are all on? How can that be the desire of an fp whose role is to work against such a goal and slow the journey down? If I understand Gary correctly, I would expect any fp to be so frightened by your desire to live on that mountain top 24×7. You asked: “so now what? Do I ask them to explain it to me, convince me?” I could be wrong, but I personally feel that there is nothing wrong in asking them to explain it if you are unable to relate to it. But, more importantly, it is probably the responsibility of the spiritual partner not to make just such a plain statement, but to explain it further as clearly as possible so that you have an opportunity to analyze it further as to the correctness or otherwise of the original statement made. If that is not possible, it is probably better not to just say that an fp is active in you. As I mentioned in a post in the thread on vulnerability, it is not easy to be a spiritual partner and it is not a joke. It is a very responsible role to play. When we want to play that role we should always be wondering whether we might end up misleading the other person on the wrong path. Yet, we need to support. So, I think the safe thing to do is to explain as clearly as possible why we think there might be an fp active and thus help the other person to do further analysis and come to his or her final conclusion. You said: “I chose to put the possibility of what they suggested out to the Universe, to my non-physical guides and teachers. Basically I chose to listen for the answer and wisdom to come from my intuition and my experiences in this world.” Yes, I agree. Whether a given spiritual partner explains it further or not is purely his or her own choice. I or you have no control over it. This is where the first part of the Serenity Prayer comes into picture: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. In case we choose to ask for further explanation by being open to the possibility that the spiritual partner must be right and by wanting to understand it correctly, we can only do so, but if that spiritual partner chooses not to respond for whatever reason and stops with the statement that there is an fp active, then the best thing to do is to let it go, as I mentioned in my previous post. What I loved the most in the last live call is Gary’s statement that serenity is not possible without trust in the Universe. Extremely powerful! I know I trust the Universe and therefore I know it will all come together very well. With love and trust, |
Posted 9 years ago
Dear Doug and Sundar, Thank you for your sharings. I am aware of frightened parts in me that like to be told what to do. I have discovered however, that doing my own work ( asking my guides and teachers for insight, trusting, experimenting) is what I came here to do. What are you discovering from your insights, guides and teachers? |
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Posted 9 years ago
Sundar, Your post are always rich and thought provoking. I agree that Gary and Linda’s books have been tremendously enlightening to the dynamics envolved with my splintered behavior and my self judgement and frustration. I do spot FP’s sooner from my new understanding but I do also discover other FP’s that honestly I don’t have the understanding to support. Many times I accept my spiritual partners comments to me about my potential “undetected by me” FP as a postulate from them. I want to be OPEN to what the Universe might want to teach me through this persons comments. If I were defensive, or judgemental, or felt this person was inferior to me I would not be in a place to accept what they postulated. For me accepting does not mean they are correct, it just means I am open to looking at what they are noticing and searching the wisdom of the Universe for its truth for me. Again to me whether they explained themselves further or even tried to convince me that they were right, it would not change that I still need to search my intentions at the moment in question. I have not found my intellect, definitions, or other people’s convincing arguments enough to discover my true intentions. For me this is where emotional awareness brings a whole new perspective to the task at hand. The task being finding my true intention at that moment in question. If I just quickly dismiss my spiritual partners postulate without using emotional awareness I run a big risk of missing the message the Universe has for me and responding and making my determination from a FP. I have had many experiences where my spiritual partners postulate embarrassed me (a FP of me was triggered). In that moment I could not in any way trust my thoughts to openly consider what they said they saw because I was frightened and my thoughts were coming from a flood of fear and defensiveness. Now I have two topics to look at. The first was what my partner noticed and the second was why did I feel fear when they shared it with me. Without using emotional awareness (scanning my body for how it is feeling) to help me detect my emotion of embarrassment is a FP I would not have known to not just make a snap judgement of their postulate. With love Doug |
Posted 9 years ago
Dear Doug, I have been rereading the last two chapters in The Dancing Wu Li Masters and thinking about the contents in terms of their relationship to the topic of this thread. I like to share here the contents of the last but one chapter “More than both” (pp. 283-311), and my thoughts regarding this thread for further scrutiny and discussion. “More than both” is about quantum logic as opposed to classical logic. In classical logic it is always either “this” or “that” with nothing in between. As per quantum logic, there is always at least one alternative between every “this” and every “that”, and often there are an unlimited number of alternatives. The latter is a quality of experience and reflects the nature of experience, and its recognition is an integral part of quantum logic. Quantum logic dictates that symbols and experience do not follow the same rules. For example, happiness is an experience and a state of being. The word “happiness” is the label, or symbol, which we pin on this indescribable state. Similarly, enlightenment is an experience and a state of being. The word “enlightenment” is the label, or symbol, which we pin on this indescribable state. Generically speaking, a state of being is an experience and a description of that state is a symbol. Such a symbol and the corresponding experience do not follow the same rules. It is impossible to describe the state of happiness. “We can talk around it, we can describe the perspectives and actions that usually accompany a state of happiness, but we cannot describe happiness itself. Happiness and the description of happiness are two different things.” In 1932 von Neumann pointed out that the problem is in the language and in 1936 laid the foundations of quantum logic. Quantum logic is based not upon the way that we “think” of things, but upon the way that we “experience” them. On the other hand, classical logic is based upon the way that we “think” of things. The most important difference between the two is that the distributive law, which is a foundation of classical logic, does NOT apply to quantum logic. The distributive law says that The above law is applicable only when it is either “this” or “that”. When it is not so, as in the case of real experiences, the law is not applicable. I think that there is a connection between the idea of quantum logic and the topic of head vs heart. I will share my thoughts in the next post. With love and trust, |
Posted 9 years ago
Dear Doug, I just realized that before I consider the question of head vs heart, a few illustrations of the idea of quantum logic might be in order here (which might help some who might read these posts and might not be aware of this idea, even if you are already aware). First, let us consider the coin used as an example by Gary to illustrate the distributive law (shown in my previous post). As per classical logic, it is always either heads or tails with nothing in between. But, as per quantum logic, the reality is a coherent superposition of both H (for heads) and T (for tails): The appearance of H and T in the two terms making up psi indicates that H and T are two possibilities in this context (namely two possible outcomes). c1^2 indicates the probability of H occurring, while c2^2 indicates the probability of T occurring. For a fair coin, c1^2 = c2^2 = 0.5. That is, there is a 50 % chance of either H or T occurring during a given toss of a coin. For a loaded coin (as in certain gambling situations) c1^2 and c2^2 can be any other possible values. Thus, quantum logic is always about possibilities (or potentialities) corresponding to a given actuality and the probability of each such potentiality. That psi = (c1 H + c2 T) should not be looked upon to indicate that psi, which is a coherent superposition, is some kind of a mixture of H and T. As the values of c1 and c2 change, every resulting psi is a thing-in-itself. To quote Gary (p. 299): “A coherent superposition is a thing-in-itself which is as distinct from its components [H and T in this example] as its components are from each other.” And, every coherent superposition of the given components is distinct from every other coherent superposition of the same components. As a second example, I will directly quote Gary himself from p. 299 of his book (The Dancing Wu Li Masters): In other words, Although it was Schrodinger who originally framed the postulates of quantum theory in 1926, later he felt extremely frustrated with the above idea that happened to be an offshoot; so frustrated that he came up with the now-famous “Schrodinger cat” analogy, a cat inside a closed box. As per classical logic, the cat is either alive or dead with nothing in between. But, as per quantum logic, the cat is both alive and dead at the same time; it is some or other coherent superposition of “aliveness” and “deadness”, if you will: Gary observes (p. 292): Quantum logic is not only more exciting than classical logic, it is more real. With love and trust,
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Posted 9 years ago
Sundar, I have not read this book nor studied Quantum Physics so I will defer to others. Doug |
Posted 9 years ago
Dear Doug, Thank you for letting me know. I am not sure whether I should continue with the above. If any spiritual partner lets me know of any interest, I will do so. Otherwise I will let it go. One important point, however, is that it is simply amazing how much opportunity the Universe gives us in unexpected ways in order to understand the Design of the Divine Intelligence! I think it is fair to say that we would not have Gary’s wonderful teachings today but for the deep insight he got and has revealed in this book. We owe a lot to the decision he made to go deep into quantum theory and theory of relativity. With love and trust, |
Posted 9 years ago
In his response to head vs heart, Gary presents a beautiful set of concepts that is very, very helpful in understanding the tools for developing authentic power: He then gives a short-hand on all of the above: I think that the destructive and constructive aspects of personality are referred to in all religions by different names and they all give the common advice that I should continually work on eliminating the destructive aspects and cultivating the constructive ones. They all indicate in some or other fashion also that God is wise and loving. As far as I am concerned, when I read Gary’s books, what really created an amazing “aha moment” for me is the following. For the very first time I got exposed to the concept or idea that my soul decided, in consultation with certain other souls in my soul group, some of whom are guides and Teachers, to bring with me in this lifetime some specific destructive aspects and some specific constructive aspects. And I am expected to challenge the destructive aspects and to cultivate the constructive aspects so that I can give the gifts that my soul wants me to give. The Universe is so wise and loving that It creates apt opportunities to help me in this process and I can totally trust the Universe. The same is the case with everyone on the earth without any exception. The above concept answered, I should say, almost all my questions for which I could not find the answers by reading various religious books. After that I could tell myself: “Oh really! Okay. Let me start challenging my destructive aspect, shouting in anger.” What a transformation in life it has brought about! Amazing indeed. I am continuing to address the other destructive aspects also one by one and notice the corresponding changes. I would very much like to request the other members of this community board to share the concept or idea of Gary’s which brought about an ‘aha moment’ in your life and motivated you forward toward creating authentic power. I believe this would help all of us in understanding his teachings and applying them more and more in our lives. Thank you all in advance. With love and trust, |
Posted 9 years ago
Hi Sundar, I picked up the Heart of the Soul in 2005 from the table in the bookstore titled Oprah’s favorites. I had not heard of Gary before. I opened the book and read the following passages; 2. You may think your anger comes from an interaction with a rude person, but it does not.” I closed the book skeptical between the connection of emotions and self-help. As I looked at other books in the store I could not get my mind off of these passages. “It is not the rude person that is making me angry?” I thought. I wanted to learn more. I bought the book and it stayed by my bed side for three years. I attended my first Journey to the Soul in 2008 where I put into practice the things I had read in the Heart of the Soul with other people. It was my experience at this event that was my ‘aha moment’ that lead me to my commitment to create authentic power. Thank you. With love and Blessings, |
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