Landing Forums General Discussion Gratitude to Gary and Linda

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Topic: Gratitude to Gary and Linda - rheaabramson Started 12 years, 4 months ago

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Posted 12 years ago

I ran into a friend at Whole Foods tonight who was having a major attack of FP’s tell her she was not spiritual enough. She asked me how I stay on track on my path and I said well I fall off all the time but luckily I have the Journey calls every two weeks and this Community Forum to keep me motivated. When I left the friend I realized what a blessing both tools are. Gary and Linda didn’t just take us on the Journey and left it up to us. I’m feeling very thankful for the continued support offered and everyone in the community to takes the time to post and keep us all on our path. XO to all Rhea

Posted 12 years ago

Hi Rhea,

I agree. When the authentic power program,of which i was a participant, ended, I had fps that felt alone and abandoned on this journey. My loving parts knew that it is my choice whether I want to set the intention to continue to create authentic power and spiritual partnerships. So I signed up for the journey to the soul and these support calls to support me in creating this intention. A spiritual partner recently reminded me that love is a choice. I am grateful for my ability to be able to choose and this community to support me in learning do this in love and trust rather than fear and doubt. I trust the universe to bring me into learning through gentle pastures and to align my choices with that.
Thank you, Love, Soula.

Posted 12 years ago

Hi to Everyone,
I was thinking how much effort needs to be put in each day just to keep up in the material world. And then I think, What happened to my spiritual growth today? I have been busy in the material world. Then I remember some small victories when I did control my actions, and am pleased that now I do notice when I am coming from a frightened parts. I have receiving the gifts that Gary and Linda and all of you are giving me each day and think and feel gratitude and love which I extend to all you all. Thanks Imre

Posted 12 years ago

Hi Imre,
I was curious about a couple of things you mentioned. When you said that you have been busy in the material world, are you saying that frightened parts of your personality were active, and you were unaware of it (for the most part)? When you shared that you had victories when you “controlled your actions”, did you mean you had victories when you challenged frighened parts of your personality?…(and therefore, cultivatied a loving part of your personality).
Using the vocabulary of authentic power helps me understand more accurately what might be happening with you. Can you share more about your experiences using the vocabulary of authentic power? It is good to “see” you on the community board!
Blessings, Gail

Posted 12 years ago

Hi, everyone. I just wanted to express my gratitude as well for the tele conference calls that Gary and Linda have led us on every two weeks. I had come home from the journey retreat with intention to put to great effort to create authentic power in my life and it wasn’t very long at all until I found it very difficult to keep that focus and practice in my every day life. The phone calls have been very supportive and have served to help me to continue to remember that creating authentic power in my life is a commitment that I want to continually engage in and the path that I want to spend the rest of this life (and all others) on. It has taken several calls until of late I find myself spending more time in my everyday life actually remembering emotional awareness and trying to create authentic power. Those efforts are still quite scattered throughout any given day but I feel like its a start and without the calls most probably I wouldnt even have that at this point after the retreat. So a huge thank you to Gary and Linda and to all of the Seat of the Soul staff who work to make this connection possible. Right now I am in a very tough life circumstance with my family and some things at work have been tough with coworkers and so I have plenty of opportunity to test the waters of experimentation with creating authentic power. I don’t think that I respond always all that well during the break out sessions of the calls but I am glad for the opportunity to challenge frightened parts in speaking truthfully. Today I spent time with a close friend and we talked on and on together and it is easy to open up with her because my frightened parts don’t get in the way and so I do not have so much trouble speaking up and expressing myself. In conversation I was telling her about the books of Gary’s and Linda’s and describing the emotional centers and how to recognize when you feel pain due to frightened parts and choosIng from loving parts in that moment in order to develop better relationships with those people who you are engaged with at that moment and she said she’d never heard it all described like that before and she seemed very interested and she told me that I did a really good job of describing it. I can talk with strangers really easily and love to talk with people in general and can be very good at listening but in closer relationships and when I really would like to be able to reach in deeper and tell those I’m in closer relationships with such as a partner or a parent or a child then frightened parts can I think sort of send me into a block. It can be a lot more challenging to engage and stay engaged and say all those things that are held inside and later I think of all the things that I really would like to be able to get across in the moments when they would mean the most. So I think that the break out groups are teaching us and giving us opportunities to learn to do just that. Am I correct about that? Anyway, I think I’m seeing some progress and again, I’m very grateful for these calls and I’m going to spend more time with this online community as well. Bye for now. Cindy from Kansas

Posted 12 years ago

Thank you all for sharing on this board. I was just speaking with my spiritual partners about how supportive these biweekly calls and the community board is for my spiritual growth. Many times the calls have helped me look deeper at situations that have come up in my life and seeing them with a different, more loving perspective. I noticed just before the first breakout session on the first call a frightened part of my personality came up and I wanted to hang up. I noticed tightness in my throat and chest and knew a frightened part was afraid of speaking, that I wouldn’t be understood and that my group wouldn’t like me. I stayed on the call and shared with the group and had some wonderful insights. I am very grateful that I chose to stay on that first call. Since that call, I notice the same frightened part comes up that wants to hold me back from being heard or seen in different aspects of my life. Now when I notice the thoughts and feel the sensations in my body, I tell myself “this is a frightened part of my personality and it is not the truth, now what choice am I going to make – is it going to be from love or fear”. Those words give me the courage to feel the pain/fear and do what is most important as I consciously chose to create Authentic Power.
Sending you love

Posted 12 years ago

I am so inspired when I read the community board, and each time I do I learn something about myself from reading what other people have written. This also happens with the breakout sessions on our calls. Each call has been rich with insight because of something someone has said and I can relate to it in my life in some way.
I challenge a strong frightened part in me that finds excuses not to share in this forum-things like, “why would I want to put my process in writing” and “I can’t really create authentic power over the Internet, I like face to face interactions.” I am aware of a heaviness in my shoulders, and a tightness in my neck and jaw when I indulge that frightened part. Other thoughts that accompany this frightened part are “I won’t be clear or I won’t be understood or I can’t explain all I have to say.”
I loved what you said, Lori, about seeing your frightened part as “not the truth” and then asking if your choice will be from love or fear. I also feel the courage in that well up inside me when I apply it to my frightened parts- it is powerful- authentically powerful. At that point it is so clear! It is my purpose to create from love, consciously and with reverence for this precious life. Thank you all for sharing.
With Love, Hazel

Posted 12 years ago

Oh my goodness, I just began to type the word Dear and it came out Fear instead. Hmm. Dear Gary and Linda, I don’t have a computer right now and so use my phone and it is easy to push the wrong button and loose what I’m working on and I don’t always get it back. I had typed a lot a few minutes ago in response to a response from Lori, but it was incomplete and I lost it in the afore mentioned way. Just wanted to let you know as I don’t know where my words went. I must get ready to go somewhere now so am not going to readdress my response right now. Thank you. Hope you have a blessed day—all. Cindy

Posted 12 years ago

I apologize for the response I put on the board 48 minutes ago. I had forgotten that these responses are immediately posted with no prescreening. I had just earlier thought that the response which slipped away from me would have gotten to you and as it was incomplete, I had wanted to give you an explanation as to why that was so. I think a laptop would be a good investment as trying to type on my phone without pressing a wrong button is sometimes a bit difficult. I had lost my original response to Lori in this manner. Thank you. Cindy

Posted 12 years ago

I wanted to express deep gratitude for the E-course, the calls and for those who have used their courage to share within this community. Its been a 2 weeks and a half of opportunities to learn more about myself, and the support by the sharing of others in this community has assisted me into reaching into my courage to challenge through fears within me that have come up for review and healing. This course is taking me down a path of compassion and unconditional love for myself and others that I did not expect yet was open to receiving. I am finding myself detaching from more of my stories and fears that have been controlling my life as I move more deeply into my heart.

Thank you to everyone for choosing to use your courage to choose love over fear.

Namaste, Pamela

Posted 12 years ago

I wanted to follow up on my previous post since time has moved on with the course.

I want to start off by stating that I am really finding value and appreciation in the personal sharings that Linda is offering the group. I like them because they are new ones that I have not heard in the last 4 years and I find that the experiences that Linda has shared, have either resonated with me and have been validation of what I am experiencing, challenging as I learn more deeply about myself in the course or I am having some reactions to what she has said, which I have been using as an opportunity to really look more closely at myself and move to deeper layers of frightened parts that have been coming up for me. These opportunities have been wonderful for me to see where I am not feeling loving about myself, not feeling compassionate or forgiving of myself.

I find this gift of Linda’s offering to be a gift that continues to be the gift that keeps on giving. I am looking forward to re-listening to some of the phone calls, so that I can learn even more about myself where I have been unconscious and where I project my frightened parts on others instead of feeling the pain of what is really going on with me. This course has gotten me to look at all my major frightened parts more deeply and I have been able to release some distance with family members that are still alive and even some that are not and as I went through my Mom’s transition to the light, the tools were very helpful as my Mom declined from dementia.

It was amazing how I could use the guidelines and experiences with someone, Mom who was no longer able to speak and recognize me, and to challenge in the present moment what this brought up for me and to be as loving, heart centered and compassionate.

I have also been using the guidelines at some of my meetings that I attend at my church treating my fellow board members as spiritual partners as much as they have been open to my supporting them.

I have experienced more opportunities to choose love over fear, and self forgiveness and compassion at the times that I chose fear in moments of exhaustion and deep emotional pain. I have been grateful also for chapter 6 in using intuition, there has been more opportunity to use and trust my intuition since experiencing this chapter and I have also seen where acknowledging and using my intuition has activated fear and working with some of those fears that feel like love that are not, and then taking the opportunity to take personal responsibility for not following my intuition regardless of how painful accepting the consequences are.

I mention these because each experience has truly been a gift for the growth of my soul, which I have set my intention to heal those parts that I am now aware of that control me, and the discovery that I have so many more than I originally thought is priceless.

Thank you for the opportunity to grow, learn and share with the others in the group calls they have been very helpful as well to “see” my spiritual partners as souls even though we were on the phone. Its been an eye opening experience.

Namaste and love, Pamela

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