Landing Forums Responsible Choice Gary's version of the Serenity Prayer

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Topic: Gary's version of the Serenity Prayer - Kristen Richardson Started 8 years, 9 months ago

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)
Posted 9 years ago

“Divine Intelligence, help me challenge fear in me, and cultivate love in me, so that I can give the gifts my soul wants me to give.”

This is my prayer to the Universe this morning. Above all else I desire to give the gifts I was born to give. Universe please support me with this.

How does this prayer support you? I would love to hear….


Posted 9 years ago


Thank you for the post.

I find the prayer to be extremely powerful and supportive.

I notice that the second part of the prayer, namely “so that I can give the gifts my soul wants me to give”, has made a deep impression in me. I love the connection between the first part and this second part. Since Gary and Linda uttered the prayer during the live call on serenity prayer, I have been saying this every day with an emphasis on the second part.

With love and trust,

Posted 9 years ago

The original prayer is one of the that has been a part of my life since a child. Like Sundar l love the second part of Gary’s Prayer. It so expands and gives purpose and meaning to the courage, wisdom, challenge and the cultivating here in Earth School.

Blessings and Peace,

Posted 9 years ago

The term ‘purpose’ in your post, Regina, somehow reminded me of the last chapter in the Seat of the Soul. Thank you. It gave me an opportunity this morning to go back and reread the notes I had written under the chapter title ‘Trust’. What a powerful chapter!

A soul incarnates not only to heal, to balance its energy and to pay its karmic debts, but also to contribute its specialness in specific ways to the needs of the Earth school, by entering into a sacred agreement with the Universe. All of my life experiences serve to awaken within me the memory of that contract and to prepare me to fulfill it. Namely to give the gifts my soul wants me to give!

Serenity is impossible without a trust in the Universe!!

With love and trust,

Posted 9 years ago

Divine Intelligence help me to challenge the fear in me- that fear that so resist being a part of a vertural community. Help me to cultivate the love in me-that wants to grow and learn in humbleness and gratitude and cooperation and courage. So I can give the gifts my soul wants me to give. Yes indeed!

Have a blessed day,

Posted 9 years ago

Thank you so much for sharing Sundar! That so opens my heart and deepens my commitment to challenge the fear, to choose love and then recommit and be open to the opportunities that given me each moment.

In gratitude,

Posted 9 years ago

Hi Kristen,

For me Gary!s version of the prayer resonates more with me than the original version. It feels more grounded for me in that it is clearer and direct and practical. Saying it each morning and holding it in my heart throughout the day especially when storms hit, is supporting me in seeing how fear plays out through the mirror of my interactions with people at work and home, and bringing this back to what I can learn/see about the same fear in me. This helps me to learn what a healthy/empowering response would be that will balance the energy of my soul.

With Appreciation,


Posted 9 years ago

Hi Soula,

When you wrote “especially when the storms hit,” it feels possibly that comes from a frightened part of your personality?

Would it be more accurate to use the language of creating authentic power and say, ‘when a frightened part of my personality becomes active?”


Posted 9 years ago

Hi Kristen,

Rereading my post when I wrote “when the storms hit” and noticing what I was feeling in my body, I can feel a swooshing energy in my solar plexus which is a fp of my personality.

With Appreciation,

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