Landing Forums Spiritual Partnership Friends or Spiritual Partner

Spiritual Partnership

Topic: Friends or Spiritual Partner - Started 8 years, 8 months ago

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Posted 9 years ago

Hello everyone,

I recently read David’s post on eating and consuming alcohol. We’ve moved into a new neighbourhood and have met some people that we like. We’ve been invited to a small gathering last Saturday and my wife and I attended. We would usually have a few glasses of wine but ended up drinking quite a bit of alcohol. It made me think about what I am looking for in my life and what my choices are creating. I had a FP active that wanted to be cool and liked, part of the in-crowd – feeling like I wasn’t worthy enough to just be myself. I wasn’t in my integrity when I had those extra drinks. It got me to think about what kind of people I want in my life, friends or spiritual partners? I didn’t even explore the possibility of having a spiritual partnership with any of those people, certainly not if I am not in my integrity to share who I really am. It doesn’t mean that I am intending to preach or teach them but simply to be myself when I am with them or anyone else. My intention is to have more spiritual partners and less “friends” in my life. I intend to practice emotional awareness during these moments as I wasn’t this past Saturday.
With Love,

Posted 9 years ago


Your post was a great reminder to me. I recently was in a group of people from a partner company. In retrospect (I wasn’t being emotionally aware in the moment) I felt the need to be cool or entertaining and related a few life event stories that I can now say we’re totally inappropriate and each was from a frightened part of me. My stories triggered them to share related stories and I found myself offended and judgemental. Wow what a mess. But I am reminded again that setting intentions and staying present and staying alert to my thoughts and emotions is an every moment lifestyle that will make a difference in what I choose.

I think I understand your intention when you said “what kind of people I want in my life” but I thought it had the potential to mean you would judge people’s personalities and shun those who did not seem wiling to be more authentic. I am reminded that the frightened parts of my personality likely look pretty offensive and unattractive to anyone wanting to be more authentic but when I see myself as a soul the self judgement melts away. It is something I want to do more often and that is to see myself and others as souls who volunteered to come here and work on ourselves.



Posted 9 years ago


The Universal law of attraction designed by the Divine Intelligence, as told by Gary, namely “energy attracts like energy”, appears to be a good news in the context of your important question. This law guarantees that as I change myself more and more positively, I am going to attract around me more and more such people. The law guarantees that all that matters is a change in me and the Universe automatically takes care of how my environment is correspondingly supposed to be. I find this to be very uplifting.


In reference to your wonderful response to Steve, I thought of making the following observation. In a recent live call or Q & A video (I forget which specific one) Gary alludes to discernment. Discernment vs judgement appears to be as important as Gary’s other such subtly different terms:
response vs reaction, joy vs happiness, suffering vs pain, care giving vs care taking, etc.

Judging others and thereby, as you say, shunning them (without the realization that we are all on the same boat in the sense that our souls brought with each of us certain fp’s to work on) is to be avoided. On the other hand, one can always discern and get the correct idea of people around. It should not be mistaken for judgement. The end result of discernment of people around can happen to be helping them grow further by being their genuine spiritual partner.

I find your statement “the frightened parts of my personality likely look pretty offensive and unattractive to anyone wanting to be more authentic” to be interesting. Anyone to whom your fp’s look pretty offensive and unattractive is obviously less authentic and needs to work on the corresponding fp.

With love and trust,

Posted 9 years ago

Dear Sundar,

I remember some years before reading the Seat of The Soul a time when I felt my multi-sensory perception expanding and all the books and authors I was attracted to or that I was being led to were awakening in me new questions and renewed yearning for growth. I recall telling my wife that I felt I had no one to talk to about these new ideas that were expanding in me except for her. Not to long after that I read The Seat of The Soul and my perception expanded even more. I was hungry for more but would not have said My priority was to find like minded people. As I have shared before I discovered Gary and Linda’s The Journey to The Soul event which has taken my Journey to entirely new depths, new heights, new questions, new perceptions, and especially new people. Today I have at least 40 souls that would be more than a friend to me and are gladly my spiritual partners. The Universe answered my prayer even though I had no clue what a spiritual partner really was.

It just reminds me how much I can trust the Universe to bring to me all that I need to grow and learn.

Thank you and Steve both for your willingness to share your lives with me and be spiritual partners.



Posted 9 years ago

Dear Doug,

Your spiritual partnership through this forum has meant a lot to me. It has allowed me to continue to think and be emotionally aware. I really appreciate it.

What a beautiful smile on your granddaughter’s face (competing with yours)!

With love and trust,

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