Landing Forums General Discussion FP that wants me to think "I don't matter'

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Topic: FP that wants me to think "I don't matter' - Roxanne Started 9 years ago

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Posted 9 years ago

My sister-in-law is talking with my husband as I write about coming out to visit. She has emailed, called and texted him to work on dates that will work. She has not once included me in the discussion. My initial fp was judgement toward her for being inconsiderate. I have a long history with my in-laws where I’ve been aware of both sides feeling superior toward the other. At first I thought I was writing because I wanted support for the fp that doesn’t want her to visit. But as I look at this deeper, I see that it is more about my deep fp that feels like I don’t matter. I’ve known of this fp since childhood. I feel pressure over my entire chest area and a deeper aching in the right side of my chest. I also notice I’m wanting to swallow a lot. I also have some burning in my solar plexus and notice I am tearing up a little. I know this is about me and an opportunity to heal this part of me, which I’m grateful for. Yet, I’m still having a hard time letting go of the strong fp that doesn’t want her to come out. For now, I will simply be with the physical pain in my body with the intention to heal.


Posted 9 years ago

Hi Roxanne. I though I got this posted yesterday but apparently I didn’t complete all the way:

You ended your share with “For now, I will simply be with the physical pain in my body with the intention to heal”. How are you challenging the FPs you described since you posted this?

Posted 9 years ago

Hi Roxanne! Thank you for your sharing!
How did it feel when you looked at the feeling deeper as opposed to the first thoughts you were having?
You mentioned at the end of your message that you are “…still having a hard time letting go of the strong FP that doesn’t want…” (your sister in law to come over). That seems like the FP. I would like to second Tim’s comment. How are you challenging your FP’s that feel like you don’t matter enough to be consulted with? Would love to hear your reactions to anything you discover about yourself. Thank you.


Posted 9 years ago

Hi Tim & Luz,

I’ve been trying to challenge the fp that doesn’t want her to visit. I know what to do in my head but I’m not feeling it in my heart yet. I’ve even looked at it with the acceptance lens, and I can accept that she isn’t including me in her planning, but it doesn’t really help with the fp that doesn’t want to be with her. I have another fp now that is embarrassed as this sounds pretty childish. As for the deeper fp of not mattering, I’m grateful to be seeing it more clearly as I can see how this comes up in other areas of my life. Thank you for your support. I will continue to challenge this very strong and stubborn fp.


Posted 9 years ago

Hi Roxanne,

Thank you for this sharing. What a powerful opportunity to challenge your fps. My understanding of the acceptance lens is that you open your heart. How might you open your heart to your sister-in-law?
With love… Cheryl

Posted 9 years ago

Hi Cheryl,

I had a shift this morning. I realized that I was believing that my sister-in-law’s fps were really her. I know that’s not the case, just like I am not my fps. Once I saw this, I was able to let go of the passive-aggressive fp that wanted to punish her in some way. And yes, acceptance is about opening my heart – thank you for that reminder. My intention is to keep my heart open and challenge any fps that don’t want me to do that.


Posted 9 years ago

A beautiful ah ha with your insight! What do you feel in your body when your heart is open to your sister-in-law? How do you see her?
Love… Cheryl

Posted 9 years ago


You said: “I had a shift this morning. I realized that I was believing that my sister-in-law’s fps were really her. I know that’s not the case, just like I am not my fps. Once I saw this, I was able to let go of the passive-aggressive fp that wanted to punish her in some way.”

That is extremely, extremely powerful!!!

Thank you so much for sharing this. I have often wondered: Maybe that is all there is to it, namely maybe that is all there is for anyone to understand and apply in life!

Yesterday I was explaining to my wife what it means to say that Gary’s teachings constitute a spiritual theory. Without going into all the details I went into, briefly speaking, the function of a theory is always simply to explain various facts; that is, to help us make sense of and understand why and how the facts are the way they are and not some other way. The larger the number of facts a theory helps us understand, the more powerful it is considered to be. Quantum theory and theory of relativity on which Gary wrote his first book (Dancing Wu Li Masters) are considered to be very, very powerful theories.

In order to offer such an explanation we are often forced to invoke aspects that are not directly visible, not directly observable; in other words, we are forced to invoke aspects that are not facts themselves. In turn, a theory is simply a collection of just a few postulates. A postulate is a statement that is assumed to be true without our actually knowing whether it is true or not. That can and does immediately bring a negative reaction on the part of many. But, even though we don’t know whether such statements are true or not, we go for them and after them because they are found to have the power of helping us understand, make sense of, explain why and how the facts are the way they are.

To me, in Gary’s teachings, such a postulate, or an assumption, is the statement that the soul of each of us decided, before each of us was born, to bring with the corresponding personality some selected fp’s and lp’s, and what is expected of each of us is to discover, challenge and change the fp’s, and to discover and nourish the lp’s. This is an extremely powerful assumption as it explains basically everything about life and life’s experiences. It is a postulate since we didn’t directly see our own souls making such decisions nor do we see our souls directly now. What we do see, rather what we do experience, are the effects of such a postulate, making us place the kind of faith we happen to in it. In our own lives we are able to experiment with the effects of the fundamental ideas conveyed in the above postulate and a couple others.

In other words, Gary’s spiritual theory helps us realize that when our own fp’s happen to be active (and, according to the theory, they are meant to be very active when we don’t take any effort otherwise), it is not just our own fault. We don’t need to feel guilty. Instead, we have to recognize their being active through the physical sensations in the concerned chakras, challenge them and replace them with lp’s. That is the name of the game to be played. Similarly, when they are active in others, such as the sister-in-law in this case, we don’t have to blame them either. Instead, we just have to help them, if we can, and accept them whole-heartedly as we are all on the same boat.

The moment I understood the above by reading Gary’s books, I felt like all my questions getting answered, which couldn’t happen earlier by reading so many other works. Since then it has been only a question of continually applying this understanding and slowly spiritually growing, of course, falling down many times and slowly getting up and so on.

Yes, Roxanne, the sister-in-law’s fp’s are not really her. Her soul decided to bring them with her to work on. You are not your fp’s. Your soul decided to bring them with you to work on. And, I am not my fp’s. My soul decided to bring them with me to work on. We all can and should help one another in this journey.

Again, thank you so much for sharing. Right when I read it, I could feel its depth.

With love and trust,

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