Landing Forums General Discussion Fear part rising

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Topic: Fear part rising - Debby Lee Started 12 years, 11 months ago

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Posted 13 years ago

Good morning – I’m new to this site and working with my soul, fear parts etc. I recognize that a fear part is reacting and working on just sitting with the emotion. I feel agitated and my throat is tight. (situation: my son chose not to spend time with me after my asking, and chose his father and sister instead – this is not a new situation due to the divorce 6 years ago) I’m working on my emotions – thoughts….

Posted 13 years ago

congratulations Debby on being able to identify what you are feeling. I spent many years missing that step and engaging in negative/exploitative behaviors that followed fear. It was like I was on auto-pilot. I couldn’t even identify the pain in me and would go straight to engaging in the behaviors that gave me temporary relief. It’s funny because today I was at Starbucks and they had a promotion offering muffins at $1. I used to occasionally use food to mask my pain but over the past year and a half I have this feeling that I love myself too much to ingest food that is unhealthy. I rarely over eat any longer even though I occasionally still indulge but it is not the same. I am no longer resisting the temptation but rather it has much less ‘power’ over me. Needless to say I chose not to purchase the muffin.

love to know what you chose to do with the situation you described.


Posted 13 years ago

Thanks for your post Eric. To be honest I’m still working on all this. It’s not just the one incident but stems from my children still struggling with a divorce from their father 6 years ago. They have taken his side and repeatedly leave me out and doing thing with him as a ‘family’. (they are older 32, 29, 20) The left out feeling is a fear part from my past so I’m still walking through this.

Congrats on the success at Starbucks and bypassing the muffins! =)

Posted 13 years ago

Feeling left out is a horrible feeling. I can identify it really quickly; however, I don’t know what to do with it. It’s still all part of feeling alone and afraid.

Posted 13 years ago

Hi Debby & Marilyn, I was just reading your post about feeling left out. When I notice painful feelings and thoughts of feeling alone or left out I go back to the Spiritual Partnership guidelines. The first guideline, Commitment: what can I learn about myself. I know my painful feelings are being triggered for me to use the opportunity to challenge the fear. This supports me in taking my attention off what or who is triggering me, and gives me the opportunity to make a healthy choice rather than staying stuck in the fear.

Posted 13 years ago

Thanks Suza for the kind reminder. For me I know my emotions got the best of me even while trying to step back. I realize however that the secondary intention of being with others (so I won’t feel alone) is not fair to those around me.
Today I am embracing my alone time – went window shopping, got a bite to eat and am enjoying my own company =D

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