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Topic: Excited to be Here - Stephanie C Started 9 years, 1 month ago

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Posted 9 years ago

Sundar, I believe the universe has brought you into my life for a very special healing I need. I see reflections of myself in you. I am certain anything I feel led to say to you was actually intended for me to apply to me. That appears to be the genius of the earth school is that everything we encounter, everything we notice in others is simply a reflection of something in me. If I notice a coworker being manipulative I usually can quickly recall me doing the same thing to another or if I notice one of my children’s additive behavior’s I can usually quickly recall my similar addictive response to my fears. For me it helps me to remind myself to look at me first before I want to explain something to someone to see if I am truly applying the lessons I am about to share. I don’t think the point is to become perfect or sinless before you are free to share with others because if we are in the earth school we have fears that need work. I think the answer to your question lies not in the choice of words but in intention and in sharing about yourself and your journey versus telling another what they should do or consider. I think the things we are free to say in support are different when the other person is a spiritual partner versus someone who is not.

When I put myself into the place of the customer in the Pharmacy story I feel great fear. I recall many times feeling fear of my circumstances and acting impatient and rude to others. When I see myself in the Pharmacy staff again I feel a fear come up in me when I consider someone being rude and impatient with me and I can remember times when I too was less that cooperative or even rude in return. What I should do and what I choose to do are not always the same because my fear is strong and my reaction is automatic and unconscious. It is rarely that if questioned I could not tell you a more loving thing I should have done. But for me knowing or being told what is right or what is wrong is not enough to insure loving behavior the next time.

A part of me would love to say, Sundar, just say it this way and you will always be on safe ground or I always say this in order to be certain I am speaking from my loving part. But this is not possible because our intention creates our Karma and not our words and actions. It is not what we say or even how we say it that proves love or fear, it is intention. Sure there are angry words that make it pretty obvious but I have found using only words or only tone or even trying to read facial clues to be misleading. My example of care taking taught me that me expressing kind words with a caring or even kind expression on my face did not reflect my true intention which was not love but to make me feel like I a truly a loving person.

I recognize my reply has been indirect and a part of me which I have often found to want to be direct I have also found to often be a frightened part of me. So this is where I felt led to go with my thoughts and words this morning. Now to reflect what I wrote teaches me about myself.

Sincerely Doug

Posted 9 years ago


Sorry about the delay in my response. I have been busy at work.

I read and reread your post a few times. I am able to recognize your sincerity and love in your detailed response. I really appreciate it.

I am not sure whether I understand some things that you have expressed. I like to get your clarifications by asking specific questions.

First, my questions have to do with the following statement of yours: “everything [I] notice in others is simply a reflection of something in me. If I notice a coworker being manipulative, I usually can quickly recall me doing the same thing to another or if I notice one of my children’s addictive behaviors, I can usually quickly recall my similar addictive response to my fears.”

I want to ask specific questions as to the assumptions involved in the two scenarios you have described above.

In the first scenario, are you assuming that the coworker is actually manipulative and that you happen to notice it only because the same kind of manipulation is active in you also at that time? Or, are you assuming that the coworker is not actually manipulative and that you think you notice some kind of manipulation on his or her part only because that kind of manipulation is active in you at that time? I explain next why I raise these important questions. Maybe there are other possibilities that I am not considering. If so, please let me know.

The first assumption above would imply, I think, that anyone in whom the same kind of manipulation is not active would not be able to notice the given manipulative nature of the coworker. Could this be true? Probably not. I think that anyone should be able to objectively observe any other’s manipulative nature irrespective of whether the same manipulative nature is active in that person or not. Otherwise, great and powerful teachers like Gary, as we all know him, could not make a statement like what he does in the “Acceptance and tolerance” call: “That means, when fp’s of your personality become active, you experience them, you accept them. That doesn’t mean you don’t want to change them; it means you don’t want to act on them, you intend not to act on them. And, even when they are strong, you act instead from a loving part of your personality; you create authentic power. So, this is the picture, as you know, that we have been providing you. It is a picture that most people don’t have yet.” Does his saying “It is a picture that most people don’t have yet” mean that in him the fp of tolerating and not accepting is active, which is why he notices it in most people? Obviously not, of course. Thus, I think one should be able to objectively notice the fp’s in others irrespective of whether the same fp’s are active in oneself.

The second assumption above appears to be a possibility to me. One might wrongly end up judging the coworker as manipulative only because such an fp happens to be active in oneself, not because the coworker is actually manipulative. This possibility, I think, is indicative of, to quote you, “the genius of the Earth school”. One obviously has to guard oneself against this possibility. However, the fundamental idea here I think is that one should be able to get out of that state and be able to objectively evaluate the coworker if there be a need for that; for example, to help that coworker from the standpoint of a spiritual partner. If the second assumption were the only possibility in the Earth school, then I think the concept of spiritual partnership cannot exist. We know, thanks to Gary, how important a concept it is!

In a similar fashion, in the second scenario, are you assuming that the child is actually addictive and that you happen to notice it only because the same kind of addiction is active in you also at that time? Or, are you assuming that the child is not actually addictive and that you think you notice some kind of addiction on his or her part only because that kind of addiction is active in you at that time? Again, I think an objective evaluation of the child’s addictive behavior should be possible on the part of the parents, lest no one should be able to parent the children.

In case I am not clear enough in what I have tried to convey above, please please ask for clarifications. I will gladly provide them. Thank you so much for being my spiritual partner.

What kind of physical sensations did I have as I typed the above? I think very normal ones and I hope I am right and am not masking them in case they are painful ones. I am really interested in discussions of this kind, which I think always contribute to the spiritual growth. In what I have honestly expressed in the above paragraphs, I am either wrong or correct. In the former case I ought to understand correctly and correct myself, and in the latter case I need to continue on that path to develop further correct understandings. That is Earth school I think. I look forward to such discussions with this great community.

With love and trust,

  • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Sundar Naga. Reason: I noticed I didn't type my name at the end
Posted 9 years ago


I don’t know if you have FPP active or not. It feels to me that you may have a FP that wants to analyze, understand, get it right. Are these familiar reactions in your life? How did you feel in your body as you wrote your response to Doug. Be specific in looking at each energy center and the sensations you may have there. How would it feel to not respond to this posting? What is your intention in responding? What are you feeling in your energy centers when you think of your intention? What can you learn about yourself?

With love,

Posted 9 years ago

Hi Doug and Sundar and Patrice and the others on this thread,

I was just listening to Soul Stories and Gary said something which really resonated for me in respect to the conversation you have been having (which is more complex than I can follow at this point but I thought I would share this anyway) 🙂 It is from the beginning of Chapter 5 on kindness:

“Your heart will always tell you that everyone is important. It will tell you that no one is more important than you and that no one is less important than you either. When you see only “earthsuits” you see only a small part of a larger picture. When you see yourself and others as great souls in the earth school you see a lot more of it. Then you can act the way that your soul wants to act and say what your soul wants to say. Then what you say and do will always be appropriate. It will always be just what is needed just when it is needed. That is active kindness, it is also authentic power.”

Posted 9 years ago


Thank you so much for sharing the quote. I agree.

With love and trust,

Posted 9 years ago

Hi Kristen,
Sorry it has taken me a while to respond. You said, ” I’m curious if you have continued to notice physical sensations in your body, or if you have pushed them away? I would love to hear what you are experiencing.”

After you had asked me this I became more aware of paying attention to them so thank you! I at first had thought I was feeling what I needed to feel and not pushing it away. I was feeling a lot of heartache and a lump in my throat and pressure behind my eyes so I thought, ok I’m feeling…. Finally I came to a point where I felt no more of that and thought “i’m better, I’ve handled this.” Then the next day I drove to work and all of a sudden I just couldn’t stop crying and I just let it go and felt it go through me. It moved through me and I felt the pain release if that makes sense. After that, when I feel the waves of grief coming on I have tried to allow myself to feel it and accept it. And I have noticed I am not feeling the pressure or lump anymore.

I am somewhat amazed how paying attention to my physical sensations has helped. At first I thought it seemed so superficial somehow in the light of her death to pay attention to my own “stuff” .

With love,

Posted 9 years ago


Thank you so much for expressing yourself.

After some considerable thought, I have decided to totally leave it up to you as to whether you like me to respond to your post or not. If you like me to, I would initiate what I might consider to be a meaningful discussion on some points you have raised, with the hope that it would be a fruitful discussion for everyone concerned. If you don’t, no problem at all. It is purely your choice as far as I am concerned.

With love and trust,

Posted 9 years ago

Thank you for sharing. Yes, for me also paying attention and fully experiencing my physical sensations helps me beyond anything I could have ever imagined before. For me it is essential in my process of creating authentic power.

The other day I noticed I had a FP active of jealousy. Instead of staying only in my thoughts about it…I opened to feeling as deeply as I could inside my body to feel the pain underneath the jealousy. I could feel extreme tightness in my second energy center. My thoughts went back to a friends suicide death in high school and the FP of shame that I must continue to be healing. My thoughts could never have made that association… me they two still seem somehow unrelated….however my body informed me otherwise.

By opening to feel in my body, I am more able to heal this FP of my personality, and gain clarity on what it is I am healing. Truly amazing!


Posted 9 years ago

Oh wow that’s really interesting so when your are feeling the sensations in your body you also pay attention to your thoughts and the thoughts that arise help you understand what needs to be healed past and/or present. Thank you for telling me your story ! It really helps to hear because even though I’ve read the books I don’t always connect the dots on how to actually do the work.

When I am going through feeling my friends death my thoughts keep going back to when I was younger and moving every one to two years because my father was in the military. I connected that I was experiencing the same heartache of loss – leaving dear friends when moving and losing my friend – but now I understand that those thoughts were resurfacing because that fp of me Is up for healing. So what would be the next step? Choosing compassion for myself seems like a natural direction…

Posted 9 years ago


I see where my examples may have created more confusion than light. For me, believing that the universe helps me see myself with better clarity is comforting to me. There are many times I am blind to my own behavior and especially blind to my own intentions. Receiving loving help to “see myself” is something I believe the universe provides and it is something I have also received from my spiritual partners. One of the ways the universe helps me “see myself” is aptly described by Gary. I found this description from an interview Gary and Linda gave many years ago.

Gary: So, what Linda is talking about is projection. The Swiss psychologist, Carl Jung, studied this quite thoroughly and it is easy to understand that whatever you will not acknowledge in yourself (because it’s too shameful or painful) you will dislike and you will react to when you see it outside of yourself.

It’s very helpful to know this because that means whenever you see someone, for example, and you instantly dislike something about that person, look for what it is you dislike about that person in yourself and you will find it. And when you find it in yourself you will become compassionate. You’ll understand what that other person is feeling and you will no longer react. That’s called projection recall. And we use it a lot.

Sundar, my last post to you was my attempt to share with you my experiences with “seeing myself” in the people I encounter in my life experiences and trying to learn about “myself” from what I observe. It has been a great help to me in my spiritual growth.

With love


Posted 9 years ago

Hi Stephanie,

For me I simply continue to focus on feeling the painful physical sensations in my body….knowing as I allowing myself to go deeply into the pain, it helps transmute the fear/pain.

I also then observe myself and how I act when this pain is there from a FP of my personality…such as, continuing with the above example…I will notice I want to create distance with my partner if I am noticing jealousy. I will either keep quiet and distant, or begin to focus on him and say judgmental comments or ask questions from a FP place of superiority…all to push him away/creating distance.

I then do my best to not behave from the FP of my personality and instead choose a loving part of my personality to keep my heart open, my thoughts loving, my energy connected and share maybe what I am noticing about myself, or not say anything with the intention of remaining connected, knowing I am loved, worthy, loveable, okay, connected.


Posted 9 years ago


Thank you so much for your loving clarification. I understand. Thank you also for the profound quote from Gary on projection.

With love and trust,

Posted 6 years ago

This is my first day in the community. If any of you in this discussion are still in the Life School I would be interested in making your acquaintance.

Posted 6 years ago

Hi Abigail, welcome! I would love to hear what led you to the community. Myself, I saw Gary on Oprah in 1998 and have been studying his teachings since then. I attend the live events and it supports me with creating authentic power in my life. Have you watched any of the videos yet?
Love, Kristen Richardson

Posted 6 years ago

Welcome Abigail, and thank you for bringing this discussion back to the front. Don’t know how I could have missed it. So much good conversation and learnings here.

Yes, if “all y’all” are still here, would love to hear from you wise folk!

Doug, I know you are, because I spoke to you a couple of months ago. But Pam, Gail, Steph David, Ame-Lia, And Sundar that stirrer of long exchanges…wow, and I needed this profound conversation today!

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