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Topic: Excited to be Here - Stephanie C Started 9 years, 1 month ago

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Posted 9 years ago

“Hi Sundar, I would love to hear how creating authentic power has changed your life. Would you share some examples about how you’ve challenged frightened parts. I appreciate the reminder that the Universe creates opportunities all the time for me to grow spiritually. … Look forward to hearing from you. Love, Pam”

Hi Pam, I am really (rather extremely) joyful today because I think the Universe created two amazing opportunities today for me with respect to two close relations of mine, actually rather three because it in turn has an effect with respect to my closest relation, my wife. Those two relations happened to be on the phone with me this morning one after the other.

I had left the creation of such opportunities to my soul, my wife’s soul and the other concerned souls whenever they felt it to be appropriate. I had no idea if or when such an opportunity might arise. It did occur soon and I am very joyful.

It all happens to be a real long story and it seems to me on second thought that it would end up covering a lot of space here, although the other day I posted that I would share. So, probably I should not go into the details.

However, it all has to do with two predominant fps’ of mine. One of them is easy to identify and it is shouting in anger. The other is relatively harder to identify and describe, but it has to do with my expecting or wanting my relatives to be logical in their approaches. I assume the corresponding fp turns out to be something like superiority. The latter fp initially caused a big scene during my trip to visit the relatives in 2002 with my wife and two children, which in turn led to my exhibiting the former also.

As is characteristic of any fp, I was only blaming others for everything. No doubt, I was driving the relations way away from me.

Gary’s teachings helped me address the first fp, shouting in anger. I made the commitment to challenge it. The Universe offered me opportunities after opportunities and I gradually worked on it. It has been quite a few years now since I shouted in anger. I am committed to keeping it that way.

The second fp was hard to recognize, but slowly I was able to. I made the commitment to challenge it also. I apologized to the individuals concerned for my allowing both fps’ to control me. Opportunities have been coming up one after another for me to develop a closer relationship with all those whom I was driving far away from me. The number of such relationships is considerable. This morning’s conversations were with two of them.

All this has allowed a closer and closer relationship to develop between me and my wife. Actually, I notice a bigger change in her today – a very important reason for my joy.

With love and trust,

Posted 9 years ago


In case you find the following useful … Just wanted to share. Every morning after I wake up and as many times as possible during the day I repeat the following to myself, as I find them to be kind of some essential ideas of Gary’s teaching.

I want to keep my personality aligned with my soul, namely with my soul’s intentions of harmony, cooperation, sharing and reverence for Life, by radiating energy only in love and trust, never in fear and doubt, and by developing my soul’s characteristics of forgiveness, humbleness, clarity and love for everyone and everything.
The essence of authentic power is to distinguish within myself between love and fear, and always choose love no matter what is happening inside or outside of me.
My interactions form the substance of my spiritual growth since they provide me the opportunities to develop emotional awareness and to make responsible choices.

In addition, the following 3 universal spiritual laws:
Universal law of creation: I create my life experiences through my own choices of intention – the intention of love or the intention of fear.
Universal law of cause and effect: There are only causes and effects. If the cause is intention of love, the effect is joy. If the cause is intention of fear, the effect is pain. (There are no good and bad or right and wrong.)
Universal law of attraction: Like intentions attract even if the outtentions are different.

Also, the serenity prayer: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
with my own understanding that the things I cannot change are the fps’ of others and the things I can change are my own fps’.

With love and trust,

Posted 9 years ago

Steph, Pam and Sundar, I so appreciate reading your posts, with the examples of creating from fear or from love. The “impromptu” situation you described, Steph, reminds me of how unconscious my fps are when I don’t remember my intention to create authentic power. I go into automatic fp mode and say fp words without thinking for even a split second. Bringing myself to awareness at every moment is a primary goal for me. I mentioned my daughter earlier. Well, our estrangement for over a year happened because of fps in both of us. For this past year I thought I was cultivating a loving perspective toward her, yet at the same time I/fps felt there was an injustice in this situation. In other words, I indulged victim fps. Now I have just seen her again in the most loving circumstances. We promised each other never to allow misunderstandings to happen again. We will talk instead of closing ourselves off. I am responsible for what I experienced over this past year. I could have communicated with my daughter with the intention to connect, and I didn’t, preferring to indulge my victim fps. How clear it all is now!

Pam, your sharing is very supportive to me, reminding me that creating authentic power is a work of every moment.

Sundar, thank you for writing the essential steps to creating authentic power. I greatly appreciate it. I am also glad for you that you have found a new way of relating with loved ones.

With love to all, Catherine

Posted 9 years ago

Thank you all for sharing your stories as my heart palpitates reflecting and thinking how familiar your stories are to me when I was working over the years and how I still have my fp come up just thinking about it. I reflect back now with feelings and thoughts of forgiveness of myself for allowing my fp to control my feelings going into a meeting with certain people, predicting doom, and receiving a doom outcome. I forgive those gentlemen whose intentions were to ill-intended. I mow understand they were acting out their cps (the pain I could have saved myself with the knowledge I have now, but I needed to go through that pain to grow). I have to continually work on this as I begin my meetings with potential business clients to not prejudge based on my past experiences but to be open about how I am feeling, sit with them, before going into any meetings and during the meetings with more understanding and compassion towards them while standing my ground from love. It is a boulder I don’t want to keep carrying. In one particular instance my old boss whose fp showed ill intent towards me in meetings and in general is going through now by someone else what he took me through and worse. I have not said good, he deserves it but the opposite demonstrating compassion and reaching out via text that I’m back in Nigeria and that I wish him well. I am really working to be proactive in challenging my fp releasing myself from the outcome. It feels so much better. Must keep it going.

Posted 9 years ago

Catherine, Pam, Sundar & Gladys,
AMAZING… this is what I have learned from this conversation, your stories & your support: release myself from the outcome, work on bringing myself to awareness at every moment (I just had a vision of pinching myself over and over…haha), forgive others, cultivate a loving perspective towards others, the universe provides opportunities to challenge my fp (and to be joyful about that–a revolutionary thought!), staying committed when frightened parts arise, and the serenity prayer (love!). And I’m going to print out what you repeat everyday Sundar and repeat it daily. I’m soooo thrilled to be here!!! Thank YOU!!


Posted 9 years ago

I’m thrilled to be here too!! Sharing with all of you, mu spiritual partners, nurtures my own growth. Blessings, Pam

Posted 9 years ago

Agreed, I have enjoyed and been enriched by the sharing in this community. I had fp about the community board but now know its value in my spiritual growth. Thanks eberyone

Posted 9 years ago

Dear spiritual partners,

What is amazing, rather mind-boggling, to me is that when I change myself to a given degree by challenging my fp’s and nourishing my lp’s, the world around me AUTOMATICALLY changes to a corresponding degree in a manner that brings about a corresponding amount of joy and removes a corresponding amount of pain!!

What an amazing Grand Design!!! What a profound spiritual law which states that there are only causes and effects, nothing good or bad, nothing right or wrong, and that if the cause is an intention of love, the effect is joy, and if the cause is an intention of fear, the effect is pain!

I have often of course heard quotes like Gandhi’s: You must be the change you want to see in the world. But, this deep idea and its mechanism didn’t become clear at all, in spite of so many sincere attempts, until after coming across and attempting to understand slowly Gary’s extremely powerful theory that seems to explain everything regarding life.

There can never be enough words to thank Gary. Probably the only way to thank him is to understand his theory and apply it in life more and more forever.

Pam, Stephanie, Catherine, Gladys and all others, what a joy and privilege it is to be among you all and learn from you all, which always brings a deeper and broader perspective on Gary’s completely profound theory making it so much easier to try to apply it in my life. Thank you all so much.

May we continue on this journey together forever!

With love and trust,

Posted 9 years ago

The title of this thread says it all. This is exciting work! Although it is so painful at times, it feel so good to be in those moments and be thankful for the gift that universe is providing. Sundar, I completely relate to the experience you just shared of having instant feedback from the universe regarding the intention I bring forward. I see this in myself and in my spiritual partners. For me this resonates in the concept of karma, what we put out there comes back to us, in this lifetime or another. I like to think of all of us working away on our own lives, creating loving energy karma and how that will change generations to come. That is exciting! Thank you everyone for sharing. With love, Ame-Lia

Posted 9 years ago

Hi Everyone, Yes it is indeed a joy to share with my spiritual partners. Sharing my journey and your journey with you, supports me in being courageous and loving on this journey. I recently took the opportunity presented to me to use my Courage as outlined in the Authentic Power Guidelines. I had a meeting with a gentleman who frequently triggers my fp’s of judgment and blame. Usually when I use my Courage it is in the context of saying something that I need to say, but from a lp, not from a fp as I have tended to do in the past. This time I used my Courage to not speak from a fp that wanted to engage his fp. Much more challenging to look at my intention and not put my verbal guard up. Verbally guarding my fp image of myself as needing protection from something or someone. Using my Courage in this way was more difficult. When I didn’t speak it left this void that my fp didn’t want to look at. Looking at myself and feeling this deep pain; I more deeply understand the pain of powerlessness. But thinking that my power was gained by controlling outside myself, is no longer what I believe. And when I am able to use my Courage to support my growth, it is an “aha” moment that shows me what true power, authentic power, is. This fp of feeling that I need to protect myself, is a very familiar one. I’ve spent much of my life honing my verbal skills and allowing my fp’s to use them. My intention is to use my talents from a loving part that not only benefits my life, but the lives of those with whom I have the blessing and opportunity to interact. With Love, Pam

Posted 9 years ago

Courage. ohhhhh boy.

Pam thank you for your post about using courage. It helps me to read how you (and the others on this thread) go about working with people who trigger your frightened parts. This is a powerful statement “My intention is to use my talents from a loving part that not only benefits my life, but the lives of those with whom I have the blessing and opportunity to interact.” I am working on this as well.

If you have time, I could use some advice…

I have a definite need to please fp to the extent where I sacrifice my own health, happiness and well being. I have gotten to a point where I have got to tell my boss I need to work less for her although she has been begging me to work more. I have been trying to do this for three days now and have not been able to get the words out of my mouth because I haven’t felt like i’m able to come from a LP. My throat tightens and I feel like everything in me is twisted up like pretzel and not willing to come unbound to help me out. I am trying to not have attachment to the outcome and to set my intention to love, not prejudge and not predict a doom outcome ( I like that…thanks Gladys).

How do you all handle these experiences? Do you just dive in and do it and see what happens?

With love,

Posted 9 years ago

I was rereading the thread and I think I understand what might help me. Sundar said :

“Gary’s teachings helped me address the first fp, shouting in anger. I made the commitment to challenge it. The Universe offered me opportunities after opportunities and I gradually worked on it. It has been quite a few years now since I shouted in anger. I am committed to keeping it that way.”

So challenging my fp by speaking my truth and not keeping quiet ….is the universe giving me this opportunity to work on it. And I guess with practice it gets easier?

Posted 9 years ago

Hi Steph, Good to share this conversation with you. Have you read Heart of the Soul? I’m assuming you’ve read Seat of the Soul but I don’t know that for sure. Becoming emotionally aware and making responsible choices are at the “heart” of creating authentic power for me. It does take practice, but the more I do it, the more likely I am to make the responsible choice. It doesn’t mean that my fp thoughts don’t still try to get their way, it’s that I am more aware of them, and the consequences of indulging them. I do my best to make a more loving choice in the moment of being tempted by my fp. I set my intention to act from the most loving place that I can in that moment. I also ask for support from spiritual partners, physical and non physical. Happy Practicing!!! Would love to hear more from you. With Love, Pam

Posted 9 years ago

Hi Stephanie, Thank you so much for sharing your story and for reaching out for support. That is very courageous. I can relate to constricted throat and of having a hard time getting words out. It’s good that you can sense those things. Can you feel other sensations in your body when you think about saying what you need to say? Also, are you able to identify the thoughts that go along with the constriction and other feelings? What are your frightened parts telling you in those moments? It’s really hard for me to tap into loving parts if I haven’t first felt the pain and heard the messages that the fp’s are telling me. That was a huge lesson for me this year. I kept trying to shift my focus to loving parts when fp’s were coming up, but in that way, I was repressing, instead of being with, the fp’s. I think there is a difference between indulging the fp’s (i.e. believing them and acting on them) and recognizing what they are saying by being with them, in order to heal that part of you, and then letting them go. Heart of the Soul is really good, thanks Pam. Someone else recommended the chapter to me on the Pass-Through Effect that discusses this very thing, I think.

Another thing I was thinking about when I read your last post was about intention. Are you able to check in with your intention for saying what you think needs to be said? Is that a loving intention or a fearful one? Sometimes it’s hard to tell for me until after I’ve already said something. The universe does seem to be blessing you right now with an opportunity to heal.

You’re so courageous Stephanie. Would love to know your thoughts. With love, Ame-Lia

Posted 9 years ago


You asked: “is the universe giving me this opportunity to work on it?” According to Gary’s amazing theory, the Universe is ALWAYS, namely every moment of our life in this Earth school, giving each of us opportunities to discover and challenge our fp’s and discover and nourish our lp’s. There seems to be no doubt about it at all. However, at the same time, it appears to be our own responsibility, in this Grand Design, to identify correctly whether it is an fp that needs to be challenged or an lp that needs to be nourished in the given opportunity, and then to identify correctly what exactly the fp or the lp in question is. That seems to be the name of the game and we are required to face that challenge all the time and come out successfully. (Otherwise, as we can obviously see, the game would be a very simple one to win easily, with no thrill in it! It could not prolong lifetime after lifetime in certain cases!!) The good news though is that the Universe patiently keeps giving us opportunities even if we keep failing in the process. There is NEVER a punishment aspect on the part of the Universe; Its intention is always to aid us in our spiritual growth of discovering, challenging and changing our fp’s and discovering and nourishing our lp’s.

You also asked: “And I guess with practice it gets easier?” Definitely. That is the fundamental idea of the Universe compassionately and wisely continuing to give us opportunities after opportunities to help us in the process. The Grand Design is not for us to keep facing FOREVER the pain as a result of our fp’s. (The game would probably be meaningless then!) We can be confident that it is indeed possible to totally overcome the fp in question (and nourish the lp in question); the fp will be dead once we take enough efforts. Of course, we have no idea what constitutes ‘enough’. The Universe knows it and what is expected of us is simply to move forward with taking effort after effort, keeping full trust in the Universe. Optimism is entirely meaningful here and is indeed needed on our part to move on willingly with determinism.

You wrote: “I have been trying to do this for three days now and have not been able to get the words out of my mouth because I haven’t felt like i’m able to come from a LP.” That indeed requires a very deep analysis on your part. That is the challenge of emotional awareness and making responsible choice, an important component of this game we are in. Whatever choice you make, even if without actually knowing whether it is something controlled by fp or by lp, it is the nature of the result that automatically accompanies your choice that is an indicator (from the Universe) of the nature of the choice made. If the result is painful, the choice was controlled by fp; on the other hand, if the result is joyful, the choice was controlled by lp, as per the Universal law of cause and effect. It is Earth school we are in and the name of the game is learning, learning and learning.

With love and trust,

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