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Topic: Excited to be Here - Stephanie C Started 8 years, 11 months ago

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Posted 9 years ago

Thank you Gladys, I look forward to meeting you too!

Posted 9 years ago

Thank you for sharing with me πŸ™‚ I have been thinking about what you said Catherine regarding making the decision to leave a spiritual life that was fear based. I’m sure that must have taken a lot of courage. I belong to a religion that I don’t think would agree with some of what Gary and Linda teach. Although the same message of “choose love” is there. I do wonder how moving into this new understanding will affect my relationship to my religion and if they can coexist.

A similar dilemma ..I have just now received a call from an old boss asking me to come back and do contract work. Holy about FP kicking in! I could barely make the phone call to see what she wanted!! It was a heavily fear based environment when I worked there, but weirdly at the same time I miss the work and the people. Part of me says run for the hills and another part of me wants to open to the possiblity of working with them from this new (somewhat more aware) place of emotional understanding I find myself in.

I guess i’m wondering if it is possible to be around the fear/judgement and yet stay outside of it? I think my intention would have a lot to do with helping me with this?

Posted 9 years ago

Hi Stephanie, I really appreciate your sharing. Have you downloaded (from the website) the Authentic Power Guidelines? They pinpoint what creating authentic power is about. They are free and it’s what I refer to over and over again as I do my best to create from love, not fear. Did I understand you to say that you are coming to the Journey to the Soul in Portland in July? I go back every year as a means to stay connected to this marvelous, supportive community and maintain my focus on my spiritual growth. It would be such a pleasure to meet you there. I can feel in your words your openness to learning and growing. Nothing in my life to date – just celebrated my 69th birthday – has given me the tools and support to challenge the fear in my life, and to create the love and authentic power, as doing this work has. Would love to hear more from you. Thank you so much. Love, Pam

Posted 9 years ago

Thank you Pam! It is nice to meet you. What a great suggestion– I downloaded the guidelines. I am going to post them in my home and office to help me remember. After reading them, I can see there are already answers to the questions I am asking.. like “release attachment to the outcome” and “change my perspective”.. awesome. Thank YOU! I am happy to hear you will be in Portland in July. Yes! I am going and looking forward to meeting you. Have a wonderful night.

Posted 9 years ago


Thank you for sharing. In addition to the fundamental ideas of “release attachment to the outcome” and “change my perspective”, another fundamental idea, according to Gary, is the following. The Universe creates all the time opportunities for our spiritual growth. More specifically, our guide souls, Teacher souls and our own souls along with certain other concerned souls create every moment of our life suitable opportunities for our discovering, challenging and changing the fps’ that our souls brought with us to work on in this lifetime in the Earth school. It is important to be open to these opportunities all the time.

With love and trust,

Posted 9 years ago

Hi Sundar, I would love to hear how creating authentic power has changed your life. Would you share some examples about how you’ve challenged frightened parts. I appreciate the reminder that the Universe creates opportunities all the time for me to grow spiritually. I am aware of this frequently, but know that I/fp also forget to live in the moment and don’t always see them. Think I’m going to put that on my bathroom mirror. Look forward to hearing from you. Love, Pam

Posted 9 years ago

Hi Stephanie and All who are with us on this Community Board, I just thought of an experiment that I’m going to do and wonder if you would be interested in joining me. Over the next couple weeks I’m going to look at each of the Guidelines and post about how I was able to focus on and use them. For example today I’ll start with Commitment, and sometime in the next few days or week, I will post about how being aware of my Commitment – making my spiritual growth my highest priority – has supported me in challenging fp’s and nurturing my lp’s. It would be great to hear from you and continue our dialog. With Love & Appreciation, Pam

Posted 9 years ago

Hi Pam,

Good question. A considerable number of them. I will list one or two soon as I find the time, which happened relatively recently.

With love and trust,

Posted 9 years ago


I just read my previous post while responding to Pam’s. I noticed an incompleteness in what I wrote. Here is a more complete idea (the addition in caps):
More specifically, our guide souls, Teacher souls and our own souls along with certain other concerned souls create every moment of our life suitable opportunities for our discovering, challenging and changing the fps’ AND DISCOVERING AND NOURISHING THE LPS’ that our souls brought with us to work on in this lifetime in the Earth school.

Both are important and that is the definition of spiritual growth, according to Gary.

With love and trust,

Posted 9 years ago

Thank you Sundar for sharing your thoughts and wisdom. I am glad you and Pam brought up nourishing our LP’s (loving parts?) because I think I was over-focusing on the FP’s. I’ve been in a pattern of forgetting to nourish my LP’s for most of my life actually!!. Part of why I am here <3. It also gives me GREAT comfort to hear you confirm what I have experienced recently, that indeed we do have souls that guide, teach and help create opportunities for us along the journey. I’ve been working on my listening skills. πŸ™‚ This also gives me a different perspective on my job offer as to what I might be ready to learn from it.

I am grateful again to be among you. Thank you for welcoming me and helping me understand.

I like your idea Pam. I will start with Commitment today as well and let you know what I learn/experience soon.

With love,

Posted 9 years ago

What a rich conversation! Thank you all for sharing.

Steph, it did require courage to leave, that was probably the most courageous thing I did in my life up to then because I also left security, a family, friends, to find myself quite alone but free. I finally took full responsibility for my life. At the same time, so much support came to me that my experience was also filled with joy.

I felt the need to separate myself then but now I would be more compassionate and open, as I eventually became when relating to my family. I don’t know about your situation but I do know that creating authentic power means living in love and connection no matter what other people do. I don’t always remember that… although my conscious intention is there most of the time.

Pam, thank you for creating this experiment with the Authentic Power Guidelines. I will also post about applying them to my life. As regards commitment, I was reminded of it when I wrote, above, about “my conscious intention.” As long as I remember my intention, I am able to remember my commitment to create authentic power, but I still have to live it, not just intend it.

Last night I received a long message from my daughter, who has been keeping herself distant from me for over a year, with total silence. It was remarkable to read her. Her message triggered some frightened parts and also stimulated some loving parts of myself. I am committed not to act on the fps that have been triggered but to focus on what I can learn about myself in feeling the pain of these fps. When communicating with her I am also committed to acting on the lps and from the most loving place that I can find. What a beautiful lesson the universe is offering me.

With love,

Posted 9 years ago

Hello Everyone, On Monday I posted about experimenting with the Authentic Power Guidelines by specifically concentrating on one of the four sections over a period of a week or so each. Today I had a wonderful experience with Committment. I had a meeting to go to where I had to interact with someone who triggers a lot of my fp’s. This had been an ongoing situation for several months now, and I have been very aware that I want to use this as an opportunity to challenge those fp’s and grow. Today was a pivotal meeting with a lot of ideas being discussed. It lasted 2.5 hours. This gentleman also has fp’s active that I feel sure he is unaware of, and my fp’s in the recent past have been oh so happy to engage his. Not today!! I set my intention to focus on what I could learn about myself. I felt judgment arise when he spoke. I felt superiority, indifference, blame…I’m sure there were others but these were the ones I was most aware of. Initially there was a burning in my chest and solar plexus. I felt the need to clear my throat, and when I started to speak the first time, my voice was raspy. But I was still aware that I wanted to challenge these fp’s. So I changed my perspective to do my best to see him as a soul, not an adversary. I sat and listened to him when he spoke with the intention to really hear him, giving up the thought that I already knew what he was going to say. I looked at what I had done to create the distance I felt from him. I had only been looking at it from a 5 sensory view. I paid attention to my emotions, my thoughts, and most of all my intention. Then slowly an amazing thing began to happen. I really did hear him, I released the distance I was feeling, I felt a deep compassion for both him and myself. By the end of the meeting I realized that I had not once thought of the many times he triggered my fp’s in the past and I had believed it. I didn’t speak very much in this meeting. I saw that the reason I spoke in the past with him, was through indulging a fp that felt superior and judgmental. I didn’t need to or want to give that fp any further voice. I was aware of the other parts of the APG’s – Courage, Compassion & Conscious Communication and Actions. But I want to become so familiar with each part, that it becomes a more automatic “light bulb” that comes on more quickly when I get into a familiar fp or a fp story. I felt almost bouyant when I left the meeting – indeed lifted up and supported by the Universe. Love, Pam

Posted 9 years ago

Dear Pam and Catherine,
I want to write more extensively when I have time but I wanted to thank you for sharing. Your stories are powerful examples to me of the steps needed to take toward authentic power. I find myself somewhat in awe of your willingness to share your pain and joy. I am not used to this. I am used to friends and family that keep feelings hidden with the hope they can convince themselves (and I do this myself) that we are and will be fine.

Posted 9 years ago

Hello Everyone, The story continues…so many opportunities! What I have realized in a deeper way this week is, that were it not for my Commitment to my spiritual growth, I/fp would likely be sitting here this morning with my judgmental, superior, blaming thoughts about the occurrences this past week. I would have be on the fp roller coaster of ups and downs, contentment and disappointment, happiness and sadness. All of those feelings have been present, but instead of identifying with them, I have stepped back so that I can see more clearly what they are here to teach me. I’ve probably experienced more pain in my heart and solar plexus this week than I can recall. But each time it came up, I did my best to focus on my Commitment. Just doing that took me out of the fp story into my heart and soul’s desire to change my life from fear to love. It was still painful because at times I went into a fp of regret for my past actions. But feeling the pain is now much more likely to stimulate a response that wants to challenge it and grow. Thank you Dr. Maya for making me aware that when I know better, I do better. I know the triggers for these deep fp’s are still active. But staying Committed has taken me to a whole different view of my life. One that includes so much love and appreciation for everyone and every opportunity in it. My heart is full!!! With Love, Pam

Posted 9 years ago

It is inspiring to see your story Pam. After my experiences this week It seems like this will be a process that I get better at with practice. How long have you been working on this method of spiritual growth?

I tried to make the commitment to pay attention to my thoughts, intentions, frightened parts and loving parts this week. I had three really difficult moments with other people. It was interesting. I had two meetings I knew would take place and I was able to prepare myself, those went fairly well. I at least was able to stop before speaking/engaging to turn inward and feel that my heart was beating fast and my throat felt tight, my solar plexus felt unsettled. The first meeting I had trouble moving past the fear and to a more loving space. I wanted to just not speak but I had to and you could hear the emotion in my voice. The second time I was able to meditate before the meeting and put myself into a loving space prior instead of going into the meeting in my usual anxious way. That meeting went fantastic. I was able to change my perspective to loving. But the third experience was impromptu and I forgot everything completely and dove directly into my frightened parts and expressed myself from there. THAT was a disaster…ugh.. But I’m proud of myself for starting the journey.

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