Landing Forums Intention Dinner with Co-workers


Topic: Dinner with Co-workers - David Started 11 years, 3 months ago

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Posted 11 years ago

I have been vaguely aware for some time that I have a frightened part of my personality that feels special (superior) because I have done “a lot of work” on my spiritual path. The intention of that frightened part is to keep me separate from other people who “aren’t like me” so I don’t have to feel the pain of vulnerability, of being different. It judges so I can avoid circumstances where I might feel judged.

I’m currently in Yuma, AZ on my 5th business trip to the area which will be a total of 3 months just this year. Last night I was invited to go to dinner with co-workers. I set my intention to challenge my f.p. that does not want to associate with my co-workers after work and accepted their invitation. It was the first time I have gone to dinner with anyone in all of these months (it may have even been the first time I was invited since I’m sure people could sense my energy). At dinner, we talked about several things, about work, about movies, vacation spots. Basically fun things. For sure, there were many times that I started feeling inferior (and sometimes superior again), but I did my best to feel what was going on with me and stay connected and just ‘be’ in each others energy.

I had a good time. And I felt closer to them all than before I went to dinner.

Posted 9 years ago


I appreciate how you challenged your fp that fears vulnerability by sharing,”it may have been the first time I was invited since I’m sure that people could sense my energy.” Also how you went to the dinner with the intention to use it to create authentic power, which you did by challenging the parts of you that were feeling superior and inferior and staying connected.

Have you had a similar experience recently with co workers or others and how has it changed by doing this work?

I am grateful to be on this journey with you.


Thank you,
Love, Soula.

Posted 9 years ago

Hi Soula,

Thank you for the reminder of what I can create when I set my intention to be open for opportunities to create authentic power. I had forgotten about this. I have had some recent experiences where I allowed myself to take a break from my tasks and have a friendly chat. As recently as yesterday, however, I noticed a frightened part of my personality that felt impatient and irritated with a coworker because it had a compulsion to get back to work immediately. I intend to look at this more closely as I go about my day.



Posted 9 years ago

Thanks David,

What did you do when you noticed that fp that felt impatient and irritated?

So good to be aware…


Posted 9 years ago

Hi Soula,

I felt the pain in my body, and remembered my intention to challenge that frightened part. I did my best to listen. What I did not do, that I intend to remember next time is to completely let go of what I think is so important. I can make the decision that right now, for the next few minutes, my presence to listen is what is important. If I really have something urgent to do and I don’t have the time to talk, I can use my courage to communicate that to my co-workers and get back to them later.


Posted 9 years ago

Hi David, Thank you for sharing these experiences. I wanted to check in with you to see how it was going. I’m curious what your frightened parts are telling you in those moments when you feel you have other things that are more important to do, or when the “compulsion to get back to work” arises. Where do you feel that and what are the thoughts associated with it, besides wanting to get back to work?
Much love, Ame-Lia

Posted 9 years ago

Hi Ame-Lia,

I appreciate the reminder again. I had the opportunity today to choose how to interact with a co-worker. It was quiet and only two of us in the office. I was taking a break alone. I wasn’t quite ready to go back to work yet and started to go into his office to chat and then went back to my office so I could stay in my isolated quiet experience. I felt in the moment it was good ‘self-care’ after a long week and was the ‘break’ that I needed. I then remembered that I also want more connection in my life and I went into my co-workers office and had a friendly chat with no agenda just to be in each other’s energy. It was meaningful and I am glad I made that choice.


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