Landing Forums Live Session Discussions Conference Call – August 18

Live Session Discussions

Topic: Conference Call – August 18 - Verne Fielder Started 12 years, 6 months ago

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Posted 13 years ago

I was on the conference call and became frustrated first with my inability to access it via Skype ans then there were times when Gary and Linda were speaking and I missed 2 or 3 seconds of what they were saying. Having said that however, what I heard and was touched by was both of them speaking about their intention to love each other more fully and to be aware of that. I was impacted by their openess and honesty in admitting their frightened parts and even more so as I had planned to meet with my wife (whom I do not live with) and be honest with her. In particular I wanted to share how I was and am able to get into my feelings during the retreat and also with my weekly group here yet when I am with her, I put my father’s face on her and become a news reporter who shares information yet does not exhibit feelings. This is truly a frightened part of my personality even more so given my father left the earth school as Gary would say 12 years ago. I did meet with my wife and after sharing that, I immediately felt a peace and openess which allowed me to share my feelings with her. I am currently reading “The Shack” and was touched when I read about not being able to embrace the seed until the soil is ready. My soil is ready and I am on a new direction with my journey. Thank you for sharing honestly and allowing me to hear that…I am now in my feelings all of the time and am experiencing vivid dreams which is alo new for me…verne fielder

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