Landing Forums Emotional Awareness Commitment + Awareness+Spiritual Partnership

Emotional Awareness

Topic: Commitment + Awareness+Spiritual Partnership - Rebecca Started 12 years, 2 months ago

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Posted 12 years ago

I thought I was aware and committed to developing authentic power. While visiting with a dear S.P., I realized that I was really missing the mark. My spiritual journey was still in my head, intellectual vs experiential. I thought I was conscious and aware but I realized I was still making daily life choices based on habit and familiarity. My S.P. reminded me of the importance of commitment. I thought I was committed, I read the books, I’m going to the Journeys, I meditate, etc. When she lovingly asked me about an update on a particular challenging area of my life and I told her it was about the same, I realized that I was still making fear based decisions over the past 8 months. The same realization came with other gentle questions by my Spiritual Partner. I sat down this morning and meditated on commitment and felt the pain of the ego self not wanting to give up control of my life. It was a physical sensation of pain coupled with resistance. Spiritual Partnership is very important if we truly desire to align our personality with our soul.

Posted 12 years ago

Hi Rebecca, I think it’s great that you are becoming so aware and that you are so able to put your thoughts into words. This business of creating authentic power definitely takes commitment. I think the ego self, or the frightened part of our personality, has such a strong grip on most of us that it takes a while (and lots of practice) to chip away at it. But, as Eckhart Tolle says, each time we become aware of the ego, we lessen the grip. So congratulations for being aware and chipping away at it. I’m trying to do the same in my life and believe it is so worthwhile. As Gary and Linda would say, creating authentic power is the most important work we can do. What a gift to ourselves and to the world!

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