Landing Forums Responsible Choice Co-creating Consciously

Responsible Choice

Topic: Co-creating Consciously - Pam Meyer Started 11 years, 2 months ago

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Posted 11 years ago

Lat week I was offered the opportunity to spend time with spiritual partners, and had been looking forward to being with them. On the day I was supposed to fly out, there was a severe snow storm and I could not get to the airport, so I missed my flight. My spiritual partners supported me by suggesting that I persist in doing what was necessary to get together with them. I purchased another ticket, and really thought my intention was to do what I could to get to the airport and fly out to join them. Next day as I reloaded my suitcase in the car, I felt an uneasiness about traveling as the weather was still challenging, two of my connecting
flights were likely delayed which meant that I probably would miss get stranded in an airport, which was not feeling like a good prospect. Lots of fear disguised as thinking that the Universe was giving me a message that I should not go. I challenged those thoughts, and got into my car to begin the 1+ hour drive to the airport. After driving 5 miles, I cold not see out of my windshield due to the poor weather conditions and my washer fluid was frozen because of single digit temperatures. That was it I thought. I’m hearing loud and clear that there is nothing else I can do to accomplish my goal. I felt as if I had no other choice but to turn back and cancel my trip. The next day I spoke by phone to my spiritual partners who I had planned to be with. One of them asked if I felt like a victim. When I scanned my energy centers nothing felt uncomfortable, and the last thing I thought was that I had been victimized by the Universe. It was merely the way things had played out. Then Linda suggested that there was a lot to learn from this experience, and added that after all, I was the one who was not there with the group. So I’ve given a lot of attention to thinking about how did my energy create what had just happened in my life, I a conscious, loving, powerful, creative being. I who have been invited by the Universe to the table of creating Authentic Power. What does creating really mean? I think I believed that I created my thoughts and then offered them to the Universe to do as it willed. The Universe that is out there, separately powerful and wise. I read more about Responsible choice – being aware that every action requires a choice, and when I think I have no choice, I am in fact making a choice. And the responsibility for the consequences of that choice is mine, consciously or unconsciously. I have a much deeper appreciation and understanding now of how powerful my thoughts and intentions are. My fear did indeed create the consequences. What I actually couldn’t see was how powerful and creative I am. This realization has shown me how important every thought and action is. I set my intention to live consciously and responsibly. And to use my power to create from love, not fear. With great love and appreciation, namaste. Pam

Posted 11 years ago

Pam, your sharing is supporting me with seeing more clearly how powerful and creative I am; how important every thought and action is. My intention is to be more aware of everything I am choosing to think, feel, be and do. After the past few days in Ashland, I was able to see more clearly how easily I can indulge Frightened Parts of my Personality that create from fear and doubt. My intention is to create from Love and Trust! Thank you Pam.

Posted 11 years ago

I’d like to share my ongoing experimentation with becoming more aware of how I create what happens in my life. It’s been amazing to watch as I change my thoughts from fear to love, and what results from that. For example, I was in my car, at first feeling somewhat perplexed (fp) about how to distinguish between my intuition and a fp that is so familiar it makes me think I am acting on messages from my soul. I recognized the fp of being “perplexed” be feeling the tension in my chest. I realized that I was creating and sending out negative energy that was shaping whatever answer I would get. I decided to change the perception of confusion to gently holding the space with loving kindness for myself, for whatever answer would come. I know that I’m on a journey that is continually providing greater understanding of my true purpose for being here in the earth school. I turned on my car radio which I had tuned into Oprah’s station. I don’t know who was speaking with her, but she was talking about how to know if it’s intuition or fear which was the question Oprah had just asked her. Her response was that intuition speaks to us in a subtle, consistent flow. I believe changing my energy from fear to love allowed me to energetically and physically “tune in” to such a helpful answer to my question. I’ve had so many experiences like this in the past week especially. I’m inviting my spiritual partners to experiment with consciously creating energy that will best support your spiritual growth. Please share with all of us what happens. With Love, Pam

Posted 11 years ago

Hello Pam,
thank you for the invitation to share. Just now I was checking my on-line bank statement and noticing FP’s thoughts judging myself and my familiar thoughts of always feeling “wrong”, thoughts of fear and doubt, doubting myself and doubting the Universe to support me. That FP energy creates more fear, doubt and perception of lack in my life. My heart feels heavy andtight, more 6th center feels constricted, my 2nd center feels overstimulated like I have to go to urinate. This is all familiar to me. when I shift my perspective to love and trust, I notice a FP triggered of tension and powerlessness….like, don’t trust the loving part perspective. I notice a FP of sadness now, feeling the pain that believing these FP’s has created in my life. I am ready now to move on, to make a responsible choice (when I am aware) to cultivate love and trust. Love, having my heart open…and trust, knowing I am loved and supported, and am always provided with what I need when I need it, when I ask for it.

Posted 11 years ago

Pam, thank you for saying, “I decided to change the perception of confusion to gently holding the space with loving kindness for myself, for whatever answer would come.” As I read that, I joyfully remembered the feeling of ‘knowing’ at the cellular level, of experiencing the knowing in my body rather than as words in my head.

Kristen, I notice you say “I am ready now….to make a responsible choice (when I am aware)…” Would it be supportive for you to set the intention to cultivate your awareness?

With love, Rosalind

Posted 11 years ago

Yes, thank you. My intention is to be more aware. I also feel that comment I made was from a FP of my personality that I indulge that doubts my myself, that doesn’t trust my ability to create authentic power. A FP that creates such Drama around creating authentic power in my life. My head feels dizzy, my back behind my heart feels tight, my throat feels dry, there is a constriction in my 6th energy center. My intention is to challenge this FP when I notice it, and be open to creating authentic power, to choose love and trust rather than fear and doubt. This FP is so familiar to me. I am grateful to see it more clearly so I can challenge it. Thank you for your support Rosalind.

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