Landing Forums Responsible Choice choosing love, over fear based decisions.

Responsible Choice

Topic: choosing love, over fear based decisions. - Samantha H Started 5 years, 11 months ago

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Posted 6 years ago

I often find myself in situations where I have an ultimatum. I feel whenever an opportunity arises it comes in twos. Whether it be in relationships, career, or home life. Moving forward, I want to be sure that the decisions I make are based on love, not fear.

After life-changing events, I left the small town where I was raised, of 28 yrs, on the Furness peninsula, in England, applied for a sabbatical, after serving 11yrs corporately, and went on an epic spiritual journey. Thanks to travel, I have become so much more consciously aware and grateful, to say the least.

I decided, last year to resign from my corporate job and follow my passion for herbalism. Continuing travelling and gaining experiences partaking in internships. I arrived home for Christmas and decided to stay. I now have a decision to make as I have working visas for Australia and New Zealand, which expire next month. I am currently deciding if I continue to travel and experience these countries, or if I settle back in England and start a career in Herbalism. I feel very torn in both directions. As the fear is I’ll regret not travelling to these countries and gaining new life experiences and ultimately regret the decision to not go. I also fear by leaving, I am not supporting my family, especially my nephews and nieces. I am not showing up for them as an aunt. I basically feel like it’s all fear based decisions. Therefore many different scenarios to choose from. I just want to choose from a place of love.

Posted 6 years ago

I’ve just tuned in here, and see you had a decision to make a few weeks ago. If you wish to share, I’d be interested in knowing how you worked out your situation. Did you find out how you want to relate to your family, for instance, or whether you need “adventure time”?

  • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by karel.
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