Landing Forums Emotional Awareness Chapter 3 Scanning Noticing Loving Feeling

Emotional Awareness

Topic: Chapter 3 Scanning Noticing Loving Feeling - Pamela Mann Started 12 years, 2 months ago

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Posted 12 years ago

Hello Spiritual Partners. I have found week 3 to be very powerful. I discovered that I am really good at scanning to a point that it is pretty automatic and I am really good at identifying and feeling the pain that comes up and now moving through it without getting stuck in it. What I did notice with the scanning exercises is that my triggers pop up so easily that is why.

The other thing that I noticed is that I have a very subtle yet STRONG fear that does not want me to feel as deeply the feeling of love and joy the way that I do pain. I have also observed that when I do allow myself to be fully open and in the space of love and joy that its still very easy for me to be pulled back into fear that does not wish for me to experience this. Over the weekend I noticed it in a conversation with my spiritual partner, at my dear friend’s first art show opening, while visiting my mom at the nursing home and today while at church and at a community AIDS Remembrance Service. I started out in a place of love and joy and it felt great, in each instance and it was like it was almost too painful to be following my heart’s desires and doing something from a place of love.

I noticed when doing the feeling love portion of the exercise this weekend that I tried to leave my body, and I had to fight to stay present and focused. I also noticed that during this part of the exercises and after the video where feeling love was also discussed that I had to take a nap because I got very tired quickly. It was like my fear did not want me to get in touch with my loving parts. I did not feel this fear active when I woke up from my nap, however I also did not have a desire to return to the exercise either, which I intended to do when I woke up from my nap.

I set my intention a few weeks ago to no longer let fear control me and keep me separate from my inner love, joy and wisdom, so I know it continues to come up for more healing, my desire is to be even more conscious and allowing of this to be where I live from, my heart and joy.

I am bringing this to the message board so that I may challenge the fear that does not want to be known or for me to no longer let it control me.

What are others learning about themselves with this chapter?

Pamela Mann

Posted 12 years ago

Hi Pamela,

Thank you for your posting. As I read your sharing about fear that did not want you to feel as deeply the love and joy the way that you do pain, it helped me to connect some dots with a recent incident. It was Thanksgiving Day and I was preparing food with my son. I was feeling frustration (fear)when I needed to start over on the pie crust and mentioned that to him. He said he thought I was going to say I was not enjoying myself, which really got my attention.

My fear around time and tasks had taken me out of the joy of being with and co-creating our Thanksgiving meal with him. Tasks over people, in my head and not noticing my body and the constriction I was feeling in my energy centers I set the intention right then to change my perspective, from fear (food ready on a time schedule) to love (enjoying this food adventure with him). Your posting helps remind me to scan my engery centers, especially when I am doing a task or project, to be aware of my body and it’s message of coming from fear or love. How often am I unaware when I go into task mode? With awareness, I have a choice. Fear or love.

Love… Cheryl

Posted 12 years ago

Hi Pamela and Cheryl,

This morning when I first woke, I was feeling such love and gratitude for my husband and our relationship. I then began to send this loving energy to him. I was aware, open and loving in a very deep appreciative way. Then I noticed he was awake and asked him what he was thinking. His response was that he was thinking how he feels he has to work around my schedule. I find that I had an expectation that he would feel the same love, gratitude, and appreciation that I was experiencing. I felt myself distance myself. I see I made a statement from fear – wanting to change him so that I would feel better. Your sharing has supported me to look deeply at what I can learn about myself and the cold shoulder I felt him giving me is actually coming from me when he didn’t respond as my frightened part wanted him too. He has given me another gift to learn about myself. It is so familiar for me to withdraw and to feel justified (fear). I thank you for being my spiritual partners and sharing your experiences thus supporting me to look at what I can learn about myself. I am choosing love!

Love to you both, Carol Ann

Posted 12 years ago

Hi everybody. I am also watching my emotions. It is very interesteing I am vacillating a lot between fear with discomfort and fear without discomfort. I had no idea I was in this sphere 80 % of the time. I am also enjoying a few breaks where I am not in fear and relaxed.I had no idea what was really going on. I am also trying to avoid uncomfortable feelings by immediately doing other things. The biggest challenge for me is to just be where ever I am without trying to change it. I am also noticing that it is less intense.


Posted 12 years ago

Hi Carol Ann,

What a powerful learning about yourself when you saw the cold shoulder coming from you when he didn’t respond as your fear wanted him to, rather than from him. Awareness. Thank you for sharing this.

With love… Cheryl

Posted 12 years ago

Hi Radhika!

Thank you for sharing this. I feel your inward looking. Is it possible that the fear without discomfort is actually unawareness. I say that because when I have fear, react from fear, there is discomfort in my body if I look for it. There have been times when my fear was so great that my body felt numb and my fear was actively in my thoughts. Where do you feel your fear in your body?

Posted 12 years ago

Hi Cheryl,
You are right-when I have fear some times it is intense and soemtimes it is suttle that all I can feel is slight discomfort. I also seem to notice a slight discomfort with or without fear. I am trying to pay attention to this discomfort. It is in my lower abdomen and stomach area. I seem to have it most of the time. The thoughts that are associated with this are regrets, feeling overwhelmed, afraid for no particular reason. My rational mind thinks that I must have had these thoughts and emotions for so long that I am still running them in the background. I seem to be acting through them some times and inspite of them sometimes.

Another interesting thing I noticed is that I need to slow down to feel this. This is really hard for me as I seem to be moving at a fast pace. I am slowly adjusting to feel and let go.

Thank you


Posted 12 years ago

Hi Radhika,

Congratulations on your body scanning! You have found levels of intensity, areas of discomfort (lower abdomen and stomach area), and thoughts. Perhaps your intuition is active in considering that these long held/familiar thoughts and emotions are running in the background. As well the need to slow down to feel. I relate to that. I have discovered that much of my life I filled with work, busy, projects… for examples, to keep from feeling (both pain and joy). I like the slowing down and trust the learning with feeling.

Thank you for sharing. It’s good to connect with with you. I look forward to hearing what you are learning about your self.


Posted 12 years ago

Hi Cheryl,

I wanted to share soemthing very significant that happened to me this morning. I was going to work with pretty intense abdominal discomfort inspite of my usual meditation. The discomfort eased up in meditation only to return later on. It was a feeling of fear associated with some work project. Stress has been very high at work lately. I knew the discomfort was because I was unsure of what might happen in the future and I couldnt trust that all will be well. When i cant let go I usually do a meditation where I imagine that I am no longer alive. This usually lets me let go of things that do not matter. I was still in discomfort but slowly it began to ease. I started to realize that the only thing that mattered was the love I shared with people around me and the love friendship i had received all these years. This was intense enough that I was crying. I made a committment to myself that I would start sharing meaningful things with people that speak from my higher self. That is why I am writing this. I am a little uncomfortable doing this with my familiar discomfort back but not as intense. I am usually very shy. I am obviously challenging my frightened parts of my personality.

Thsnk you.


Posted 12 years ago

Hi Radhika,

What a powerful experience you had of noticing your abdominal discomfort (intense), exploring it further (stress at work, unsure of what might happen in future), using your meditation tool to shift your perspective from fear of the future to the present of what really matters (sharing and receiving love with and from people around you0, and feeling your emotions. I would think that took commitment, courage, and trust. And then to commit to sharing what you are learning about yourself with others, as you are doing with me. Commitment, courage, trust, stretching yourself.

I find that when I have a lot of fear, remembering that no matter what is happening,I can choose love or fear grounds me, brings me back to my own power as a creator.

Keep up your noticing and exploring your body sensations. You are on the right track.


Posted 12 years ago

Hi Cheryl,

I thank you for your support. I am feeling overall better today. I noticed some loving sensations putting up the christmas tree with my children and buying gifts for Christmas. I also noticed frightening parts of my personality when I was talking to a relative. She said something I didnt like and I thought thats not right. I am able to understand that I will not be able to cooperate and share with someone if I am judging them. I did not act on these thoughts. Parts of my frightening personality want to keep judging and want to be correct. They are like wait a minute I like being this way. I am working on not reacting to them.

Thank you for listening.


Posted 12 years ago

Hello Spiritual Partners,

As I read through your posts I began to feel a tightening in my chest. The pain has become so intense that with every inhalation I feel that I am lifting 500 pounds. Feeling pain in my energy centers is new for me. A FP often feels overwhelmed which I am realizing keeps me so busy and unaware that I don’t stop to feel anything. In reading Pamela’s post I realized that indulging this FP has severely limited my ability to feel deep love and joy for more than a moment. I am so afraid of the pain that I am always moving to keep it at bay. Taking the time to be on this site slowed me down enough to experience this pain. Right now I feel as though I don’t want to run and engage in something else, despite the pain. I want to feel it as I believe it is an opening to where I need to go.

Thank you,


Posted 12 years ago

Hi Jenny,

The pain in the energy centers was very intense in the beginning. You are on the right path. It does ease up and get better with time. For me what was useful was to find out if there was reason why I was in pain. Its like an oninon I am finding layers upon layers of pain, fear, emotions and unconscious intentions in my self. It is interesting to know how little I know about myself. My suggestion is be gentle and loving to your self as you go inside. I used to think I was a perfectionist and I used to be very hard on myself. I am learning that the only way to venture into myself is by being gentle, kind and loving to this soul.

Sending loving intentions.


Posted 12 years ago

Hi Jenny and Radhika,

Jenny, powerful and intuitive insights you are having about yourself. And Radhika, what a beautiful intention… to be kind and loving to your soul. Thank you both for your sharings.

With love… Cheryl

Posted 12 years ago

Thanks everyone for your sharing, it has been helpful for me to see what you have been experiencing because it has invited me to look at other areas that I had not yet to see what I was not aware of.

I had a long week last week and this week with this same fear becoming activated, seems that now I have set my intention to become more conscious of it, I have been getting more opportunities to challenge it. I have had some times where I have not fully challenged it and found myself indulging the fear and not caring because the pain was so intense. I of course immediately knew what the consequences would be before they showed up or had to accept the consequences that did occur as a result. The good news is that for as many times that I indulged the fears that came up when I did remember to scan, I was able to shift into a healthier place, and the number of times this happened was far greater than when I chose to indulge.

I have observed with my primary spiritual partner at home that our fears have been engaging each other more frequently as well since I set this intention to heal this fp that does not want me to feel the good. There have been some days this week and last that I have done some healing work on myself energetically, and my vibration has been raised and then I get triggered and I have been struggling to not remain stuck in it, which has been causing me to go right back to the lower vibrations and energy that I am not wanting to remain in. We have been able to support each other through these moments, and I have had some shifts occur rather quickly in the last few days. In the past when this would happen I would have walls of separation and distance up for days, after 4 years of working with this fp. I am now able to scan and find a way back to my heart to center and now the reaction can last anywhere from a few minutes to only a few hours. I have experienced since this week’s call that I have had more opportunities to look at this and I have experienced some difficulty in letting it go, its not that I hold onto it for the entire day, but, it keeps coming back every few minutes or hours.

I keep breathing it in and sending out love, compassion and peace as I sit with the feelings that have come up for healing.

Is anyone else noticing an increase in the intensity????

In love and light,
Pamela Mann

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