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Topic: Chapter 2 Karma - Pamela M Started 10 years, 9 months ago
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Posted 11 years ago
I have been sitting with the topic of Karma for about 2 weeks now and each week I understand it a bit more clearly for myself. One of the questions that keeps showing results for me is How many times have you felt hurt and wanted to hurt the person you felt was responsible? My first response was over all in my life or just this week? I am finding that over time since I have been working with the Spiritual Partnership Guidelines that I do not find this coming up very strongly any more, however when it does, it is still very painful. As I pondered this question more, I had a realization that this still comes up for me when I feel jealous or betrayed. I notice that the moment that my FP’s feel this way the first thought that goes through my mind is that it wants to lash out at the person who triggered this in me and have them feel the same exact same intensity of emotional pain, and then pray that it doesn’t come back to me in the way exact that I experienced it and just projected it on to the other person so I didn’t have to experience my own emotional pain, learn the lesson for good or look more deeply for the gift that this situation can give me about learning about myself. When this happens, it is when I am not feeling loveable, and my self esteem is low and my Fp’s do this to raise itself back up . One thing that I realized as I read the chapter and sat with my own experiences and understanding of Karma is that the balance does not have to take a lifetime, weeks or months to come back to me. I have been indulging a FP that won’t allow me to relax out of fear of waiting for the “other shoe to drop” as I had an attachment to the way that the Karmic balance would occur. The other thing that happens when I indulge this frightened part is that my FP’s try to manipulate and control my environment and the behavior of people in my life so that I don’t have to experience the Karmic balance in the exact way that I behaved and betrayed another person. This is something that has controlled me most of my life and recently I set the intention to heal this frightened part of my personality. I realized that the opportunity to make a healthier and more loving choice comes right away and through multiple triggers. I have started to be open to the experiences looking differently than the way my FP wants them to look and as I do this, they are less painful, with the knowledge that I either created this now, or this is from something that occurred in a previous life. The greatest Ah Ha for me is that I realized that when I choose to act from a loving place and challenge the FPs that come up, that I am changing my Karmic experiences and the intensity of which they come back to me, that If I don’t indulge a FP in the first place, there is no Karmic experience to balance out in this life time or another. Since I had this realization, I have felt a lot happier, and a little bit more relaxed. |
Posted 11 years ago
The chapter on Karma is especially interesting and helpful to me. Absorbing it’s teaching has given me a greater clarity in knowing how the experiences of my life come into being, and how I can use them to heal instead of creating more negative karma for myself. I’m posing a question to all my spiritual partners. On page 20, “Consider how powerful a soul is if it can have a part of itself that experiences great love, a part of itself that experiences fears, a part that is perhaps neutral,a part that experiences schizophrenia, and a part that is dramatically compassionate. If any of these parts are incomplete, the personality that the soul forms will be out of harmony.”. My question is, how could a part that experiences fears or schizophrenia be anything but |
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Posted 11 years ago
Hi Pam, Love Joanne |
Posted 11 years ago
Hi Pam, What comes to me is having acceptance of all the parts of my soul. In my experience I learned from a very young age to repress my painful emotions so that I could be accepted by my parents. As I slowly learn to feel in my body and notice the thoughts of this pain I see another part that has rejected, shamed these parts of my soul. I feel that the healing path for me is to be able to feel my painful emotions and to be in harmony with them, that is be aware of them so that I will not choose to act with the same behavior patterns as I did when I was unconscious of my fear. I think that this is one of the chapters on emotional awareness where it says that we must know where we are to be able to move to where we want to go. With Love, Soula. |
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Posted 11 years ago
I like that Soula. Thanks for sharing it. |
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Posted 11 years ago
I love the chapter on Karma. When a frightened part of my personality is especially triggered or “hurt/offended” by someone else’s behavior toward me, I can open myself up to the possibility that this could be a karmic experience coming back to me….and if I cannot connect the dots of this experience in this lifetime, I am open to the idea that another one of my soul’s personalities created an experience (cause) and it is now coming to fruition (effect). This supports me in challenging a frightened part of my personality that may feel I am being treated “unfairly” or would want to seek revenge…..sometimes this idea supports me in gaining a bit of detachment or at least a moment to pause….Love, Gail |
Posted 11 years ago
Love your answer Gail. I too think that sometimes things can be a Karmic experience and it helps me to give it a bit more space with which to look at it. It also gives me more compassion for the other person, as I sometimes can see..if I have done the same type of thing…what it feels like to the other person. |
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Posted 11 years ago
Judy, |
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