Landing Forums General Discussion Changing my perspective

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Topic: Changing my perspective - Pam Meyer Started 11 years, 10 months ago

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Posted 12 years ago

I so appreciate life’s little gifts that come unexpectedly. Recently I was interacting with a young mother who’s children have been removed from her care due to neglect. I am the children’s advocate in the court, and she hasn’t wanted to be involved with me much because she thinks I am somehow responsible for her children’ removal. I decide to change how I think about her. I have been conscious of not wanting to judge or blame her, but I took ita step farther than that. I now wanted to see her only as the soul she was who was in a lot of pain. I took some things to her home that I thought she would find helpful, and when I arrived there she invited me in – very unusual!! She asked me to take her on an errand, which was the last thing I wanted to do that day because of other commitments I had. Thankfully I was aware of the intention I set to use my opportunities with her more wisely and lovingly, so off we went. We were able to have a “civil” conversation and I did my best to stay in my integrity while speaking to her. When we got back to her house, she hugged me good-bye. I was so moved with gratitude and appreciation. I am not surprised that this process of creating AP produces this kind of outcome, but I am delighted that I am able to tap into the generosity and wisdom of the universe that supports me so lovingly. My judgment of her could only serve to further burden a heart already carrying so much pain. I am reminded of something I once read, that if I but set my intention to live more lovingly, God sends 10,000 angels to assist me. INDEED!! Blessings, Pam

Posted 12 years ago

Hi Pam, this is beautiful, I am impressed by your powerful effort to be compassionate to the mother, even though she mistreated her children. I hope the mother and the children will be able to the get help that they need. I think the mother has benefitted by your non-judgmental attitude towards her, and this in turn can help her children in the future.

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