Landing Forums Live Session Discussions Broiled Turkey

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Topic: Broiled Turkey - Cindy Started 11 years, 7 months ago

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Posted 12 years ago

I just had an experience of simple, yet profound joy for me that I was so totally not expecting. It just sort of arose in me of its own volition. I have been really working diligently at creating authentic power since Gary and Linda shared with us about Trust a couple of weeks ago on one of our conference call. I have been brought to some very deep places within and have experienced my life whether I am alone or engaging with others in more profound ways. I am learning how necessary it is to recognize when I am attached to an outcome or ,(as a spiritual partner pointed out to me on the phone last night–someone I met at last year’s Journey Event–to recognize when I have set expectations and to explore where those come from ( are they just about me and what I would like or do they honor completely what someone else’s needs might be and what are those are and allow for this too(Are they from Love or Fear?). I have been so focused that today I find that I am quite tired. Yesterday I had not had much sleep but became engaged in very meaningful conversation with my professor of a physiology class I’m currently in and, along with a fellow student, we had a very lengthy conversation going on about ourselves, personally. Later in the day, I went to visit my Aunt and we also had a lengthy and meaningful discourse. I couldn’t really sleep in this morning as I had an appointment with a favorite doctor of mine. He is a very open man and I sense that he too is seeking meaning in his life. I tried, and we had a good connect, but I think it was a little difficult for me to be emotionally aware and in the present moment as much as I would have liked during our brief encounter as he examined the site of a previous tick bite for which I have had some concern. So, I have sort of let my focus down a bit just for today, or part of today, because I think I just need some rest. I’m still noticing my thoughts and practicing some emotional awareness and I think that I will spend some afternoon time meditating and maybe a nap. I have been practicing meditation in these past couple of weeks and it is helping a lot with bringing my thoughts to where I want to choose for them to be, while trying to be aware of my emotions and to keep myself in Trust from within. So…here’s the thing which I got excited about. I had found some turkey drumsticks at my local grocery store in their day old meat section today, and put them to broil when I got home. I munched on one a bit but as I was cleaning up and preparing to go and rest for a while, I wondered what I would do with the turkey. Would I freeze it whole, etc? So as I moved about,- in what I had decided to let myself rest in– as somewhat unconscious state, the thought came to me very naturally that whatever I did with this turkey, I wanted to do it with appreciation and gratitude. And I was just sort of stunned as to “Wow, where did that naturally occurring thought come from?” It just, I don’t know…isn’t really how my thoughts would occur to me while floating around unconsciously. (It’s okay if you want to join me in a few tee-hees–laughter & chuckles–over this). So then when I went to find this website, I ran into Gary and Linda’s awesome new website about Tree of Souls. At first when it caught my eye I couldn’t tell if it was from seat of the soul and I thought “Well…I dunno if I want to look at this or not, if it’s not from SOS. But I dared to challenge that because I wanted to follow my curiosity. I haven’t read everything there, but I was really moved when I read Gary’s words about how when one practices creating authentic power then they can have experience (consequences) of joy which they come into in their life and did not foresee. Like my turkey experience!! It was also interesting to read of the willow tree star formation which is found in the Milky Way. Just a really cool website! Well, I need to go and get some rest so I can continue to learn and grow in this manner in my life. I hope to read of your experiences here as well! Love, Cindy

Posted 12 years ago

Hello Cindy, I would love to invite to you explore the physical sensations in your body; what do you notice feeling physically?
Kristen Richardson

Posted 12 years ago

Hi Kristen, Today I have been experiencing quite a bit of sensations within my body as to mostly, I think my chest area. I have been noticing my thoughts all day, as I have been home, alone all day. I haven’t connected the dots between the two fully today, though I am aware of some sensations of pain when I have a thought which I can identify as being one from fear. In reverse of that, I have also noticed some rising of anxiety within my chest cavity when I have a thought from an FP. Sometimes I am aware of various energies coursing through me but I am often not always able to identify each one as sometimes they come in quite rapid succession. Sometimes I have the sense that each one is tied in to deeper thought patterns or even communications perhaps with other souls and I am not aware of what, specifically, those communications are. Today I have experienced some tightening in my chest area quite often and I am sure that it is tied with anxiety. I like to listen to Celtic music. I am a 57-variety American of European decent, and mostly all of that, from my Father’s side, is Scottish, and Irish. I was listening to a Celtic instrumental CD today and I noticed energies just moving back and forth through me tied in with the music. I have never quite noticed this, tied in with listening to music, in this way before. Earlier today, I had replied to your post about powerlessness. I had gone to bed last night with intention of replying to you and had asked my teacher and guides for support in this in the next few days. So I really worked to do this and somehow when I hit submit, it became lost. That is when I found that you had replied to my “Turkeytail”. I had wanted to support you in your intention to heal the frightened parts of your personality which stem from this type of emotional/physical abuse and from the betrayal of trust which you may have experienced with this experience as a child. I am grateful that you are able to use your courage to ask for support from spiritual partners in this matter. I am grateful that you were able to have success when challenging this FP in a difficult situation. I know that these things can be difficult to find support for within our human community due to so many people not wanting to discuss matters such as sexual abuse. I have experienced the pain of keeping such matters to myself while wanting to heal for years. I have experienced the isolation of having Fps which I wanted to heal but not using my courage to attempt to engage in conversation with those few who knew of my early adolescent experience. For many, many years I did not realize just how common these things are in the human experience and I felt very alone with my FPs. Those few who did know of the situation had FPs of their own and for decades it was treated as a “white elephant” in our presence. I was at least ten years removed from the situation before I was mature enough to realize that the responsibility of its occurrence was a shared one and did not lie with myself alone. I spent many years, and am still exploring within myself things to be learned about myself and things to be learned about family relationships in the context of abuse. The situation in which I was involved was one of family though my perpetrator was not a blood relation. Whether he had been or not though, when these things occur in families I think that it would be very beneficial to the healing of all to approach it from a spiritual sense . That is to say in regards to applying the tools of creating authentic power. When I experience FPs in a strong way, it is difficult to realize that healing pertains to anyone else but myself. That is to say that in those moments if I am not emotionally aware and seeking to challenge those fps for the purpose of spiritual growth, then I will not take into consideration that others have need in those moments for healing as well. I know that in my family there were many feelings of guilt as to the occurrence. Each member had their own FPs which could easily become activated, sometimes just by the presence of others although these things were not directly discussed. The feelings of guilt were strong and led to feelings of powerlessness and so a sort of “pass the buck” around the elephant ensued quite a bit of the time. I spent a lot of quiet contemplative time over decades considering the various personalities involved and what things in their lives contributed to their own personality development etc. I also considered what I knew of which had contributed to the development of my perpetrator’s personality as well. There are many things which I received from family members during the course of my childhood which attributed to my loving parts. Learning about and practicing to create authentic power is opening me to realize that all of what I received can contribute to my spiritual development. I am in my early fifties now, and my parents have passed on in recent years. I continue to appreciate deeper, all of what they contributed to my life. I continue to learn to recognize that they had wanted healing and acceptance just as strongly as I wanted it for myself. There were things that they did over the years which showed a reaching out to me from their loving parts and there were things that I did which showed a reaching out to them from my loving parts as well. I would encourage anyone who is involved in experiencing FPS triggered by their immediate family members to use their courage when looking within themselves so they are able to realize all of what is really happening within those dynamics of the interactions in which they are involved. I want to do this myself so that I am not blinded by my FPs from seeing all that is involved so that I can realize that challenging those parts will benefit all who are involved and I will be able to see with gratitude just where others are really coming from in their experience. I suspect it is a lot more about Love than I often realize, especially when I am up and close with my FPs activated. I am grateful that the human experience is at this great time of change when we can begin to experience healing as a group venture through forming spiritual partnerships. Thank you for sharing as you did. Love, Cindy

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