Landing Forums Live Session Discussions Becoming accepting

Live Session Discussions

Topic: Becoming accepting - Cindy Started 9 years, 1 month ago

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Posted 9 years ago

I felt much gratitude for Saturday’s call about tolerance vs acceptance. I believe that I have allowed myself for the great part of my life, to tolerate many situations. I have come to really recognize in recent years, how that stance has often not come from my being patient, but rather my not being responsible and using my courage to speak about things that I am afraid to say. I am very grateful for the meditation that Gary led us through, because in the journey through that meditation, I was really able to experience acceptance in more fullness of what it is. I felt the release of a great burden being lifted from my chest and solar plexus areas in my body. I have been considering since, how it is that I need to accept others, myself, and each situation as it is presented in the moment. I was/am able to “see” how to do so in my life can bring forth joy and peace. I also experienced during the meditation, a sense of how acceptance can free me to speak my truth from a loving place without attachment. At the end of the meditation, I felt the “spark” of ignition of compassion coming through. I went to pick up some take out Chinese food last night and I set the intention of being in acceptance of others through that journey. During the time at the restaurant, I was almost brought to tears from the experience. While I don’t think that I need to be tearing up all the time, I am grateful to have found that, perhaps, the journey to my heart may not be as far a distance as I might have thought. But it is one which requires my full engagement. I have had thoughts since the call about how much of myself that I am uncomfortable and dissatisfied with, and I feel that I need to work on knowing that I am perfect for the day, and the day is perfect for me.

Love to all,

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