Landing Forums How You are Creating Authentic Power Authentic Power in the Courtroom

How You are Creating Authentic Power

Topic: Authentic Power in the Courtroom - Pam Meyer Started 10 years, 11 months ago

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Posted 11 years ago

I’d like to share my experience today during a court hearing today. I am an Advocate for 3 children who have been removed from their mother’s care due to severe abuse and neglect. This case has been open for almost 2 years, and the mother has not been cooperative with any remediation needed to close it. The laws governing the termination of parental rights sometimes get sidetracked from what is most beneficial for the children. This has been a very complicated and challenging case for me. Today as I entered the courtroom, I set my intention to speak and advocate from the healthiest, most loving place I could. I no longer wanted to make my recommendations fit in with the designs and rhetoric of system set up to wield external power. But I did want to do it with love and compassion for all involved. I had scribbled some notes on a piece of paper to help me keep track of the many reasons that I believed termination of parental rights was the only reasonable answer for any possibility of a better life for these children. How could I voice my opinions, stay in my integrity, remain unattached to the outcome, and consciously communicate from my soul, my heart, not my head and fp’s of judgment?? I asked for assistance from my non-physical guides. There were things I knew I needed to say, that would challenge how this court had ruled in the past. Once I aligned myself with the intention to create from love, the words just came. It was more like the Universe, God spoke through me. The usual rules of testifying in a court of law gave way to one of the most heartfelt conversations I’ve ever had, and I’ve been doing this work for 11 years. I noticed that I was completely at ease as I told the Judge that I wanted to have a heart to heart conversation with him. He became very engaged, as did other people involved in this case, in discussing how the “laws” weren’t working and agreed that a different way of looking at this situation was needed. I felt a deep connection in that room that was focused on true compassion. It was a very different and very beautiful experience of watching an “External Power System” use it’s energy in a conscious, loving way. I LOVE this work! The work of creating Authentic Power. I would appreciate hearing from other spiritual partners who have seen how creating Authentic Power has made significant changes in their lives. Blessing gs, Pam

Posted 11 years ago

Pam, thank you for sharing this, very beautiful. I also have been in similar situations and done my best to come from a place of authentic power and it also created a similar experience for the others involved. I don’t have a lot of the external power perspective or experience, however when I am in situations such as court rooms or dealing with mental health legal proceedings with my client’s I often hear comments such as, “I’ve never thought of that perspective before, or comments on how I speak clearly, etc.” People sense there is something different about where I am coming from. To me it seems “normal” and I don’t realize I am being different, however your posting is a good reminder for me to bring more awareness into the power of bringing love into these moments where there has in the past been mainly fear. Very powerful! Love, Kristen

Posted 11 years ago

Pam, thank you so much for sharing this beautiful experience of creating authentic power. I resonated with everything you describe, and particularly with your asking your guides and teachers for support as this is an action that I have been increasingly aware of in my own life. I realize every time I request support by being aware of the need for support and by asking a question–even a nearly unformulated question–I receive an answer in some form. It doesn’t need to be verbal, it can happen through meeting someone, for instance, who brings something particular to light for me. In the past I would call such happenings “coincidences,” but now I know that everything is connected. I also know that deepening my awareness of each moment of my life and searching for clarity of intention supports me in seeing and appreciating the meaning that is offered to me at each moment. When I am in such a place, my interactions unfold with love. There is no more obstruction from frightened parts of my personality. Your post reminded me powerfully of the importance of cultivating love, authentic power in every circumstance.

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