Landing Forums Live Session Discussions Attachment vs. Trusting the Universe

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Topic: Attachment vs. Trusting the Universe - Rob Marshall Started 11 years, 2 months ago

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Posted 11 years ago

Sharing discoveries of being attached and how they distorted your life vs. times when you have trusted in the universe and the loving results. (From Nov 23rd session)

Posted 11 years ago

When I detach it is like forgiveness, I let go and free myself. I give it to a higher power and have faith/trust/know that it will be taken care of in the best possible way for all involved. After sharing today I realize I don’t have to be in control or worry, I use the Guidelines that will give me a healthy way to proceed and not be concerned with the outcome.

Posted 11 years ago

I’ve had a white knuckled grip on the steering wheel of life for the past 6-7 years because I didn’t think it was going the way it needed to. I wasn’t getting the relationships that my personality wanted. My career was suddenly taking a turn that I was sure wasn’t right. I found myself thinking, “This isn’t right, I must change what’s happening here.” It consumed my thoughts, made going to bed and enjoying any part of work difficult. It was a constant ache in my chest and stomach and my heart was always racing.

It seemed everything I had planned was unraveling, both in work and relationships, and I was in a lot of pain. That’s when, with the help of my mom Cheryl, then later through the Journey and my spiritual partner Kristen, I realized I can’t change what’s going on around me… I have to change me from the inside. I’ve spent two years living alone in a new town, re-read all Gary’s books, and just focused on loving myself and my circumstance. I stopped spending hours on dating sites, I stopped worrying about what my next job/assignment would be.

I fostered my creative side by putting more time into projects and listened to my intuition, which I had nearly silenced previously. Most importantly, I decided to trust the universe- for it is far wiser than my personality. And now I’m filled with confidence… Not in what is exactly next, but that whatever it is will be right.

My lesson I’ve taken from this is just like what Gary said today: I sent my loving intention and then let the Universe do its work. It didn’t happen overnight. But that’s what this community has helped me in: being patient while the Universe did its work and trusting in the process of creating Authentic Power.

I’m looking forward to consciously working to remain in this state of joy, for I know frightened parts will be activated and challenges will arise that tempt my personality to return to the white-knuckled grip on life’s steering wheel, but that’s why I’m here, right? Thanks everyone.

Posted 11 years ago

As I am sitting down to write my discoveries on how I have been attached and what came of that, I am finding that I have a frightened part that wants to keep me from sharing on the community board. What I am recognizing is that when I indulge this frightened part it keeps me separate from others and this in turn keeps me from learning about myself. How interesting, my cheeks feel tight and hot, my thoughts are unclear therefore unfocused. I have recognized this lately in my not following through on opportunities in my life. I think a lot about reaching out and connecting with others but in reality I am more comfortable keeping myself busy and being alone. “More comfortable” creates pain in my sacral area and heaviness in my throat, burning in my heart. I have gratitude in recognizing this frightened part and the power that I have been giving it. I am challenging it by posting this on the community board with the intention to heal it and connect with you the reader.
With gratitude, Carol Ann

Posted 11 years ago

Carol, It was good connecting with you on the group APlc call. Thank you for your clear description about where you feel the fp that is “more comfortable” keeping busy and being alone, this is supportive to me. I often, throughout the day have thoughts of ” oh I should share this insight on the community board” ,however when I get home I am either ” too busy” or my thoughts are not focused to be able to articulate clearly. As I write this I pause and notice the background thoughts of the list of things I have to do today. I know this is a fp as I feel a burning sensation in my heart and tightness in my throat and solar plexus area. It’s intention is go keep me from sharing this on the community board. My intention is to create spiritual partnerships.
Love, Soula.

Posted 11 years ago

I am going to post about my attachment to my husband changing his mind and coming back to the marriage. This is something I have been desperately attached to, it felt like my life literally depended on this happening. I have worked over the past year to challenge this attachment again and again, & though it has diminished in power significantly, & I am finally moving forward with the divorce in acceptance, I am posting that regardless of knowing that the healthiest thing is to move on, & not wanting the attachment to be there, I know that that secret second agenda is still hanging out in the deepest coves of my genes- that’s how it feels. I want to be free of this attachment- truly free, not ‘free so that the energy will shift and then he will come back’. So I am posting this in order to expose it and seek support in challenging this attachment (& the myriad of FPs that are connected to the attachment). Thank you, Stephanie

Posted 11 years ago

Hi Stephanie, What has been helpful to me in challenging fp’s is to become aware that they are powerful, so powerful in fact that they had been running my life without me knowing it. When I realized that fp’s did not care that I was trying to weaken their hold on me, I could see them a little more objectively. I am NOT my fp’s. At times I am still surprised at the fierceness I encounter in their attempt to rule my behavior and thoughts. But by becoming emotionally aware, I can then make responsible choices when I am triggered. I recall Linda saying that someone remarked to her that challenging fp’s was so difficult and painful. And she responded to them that yes indeed it was, but not as painful as living a life in the pain that fp’s cause. I now know that I have a choice in how I live my life. I no longer want to create with the energy of fear, which only causes more fear and pain. I now choose to do my best to create Authentic Power. It isn’t easy, but I know in my heart and soul that it is what I was born to do. To heal and love! Blessings, Pam

Posted 11 years ago

Hi Stephanie,

Thank you for sharing it has supported me to look deeper into attachment in my life.

I remember that Gary shared on the call that bringing your awareness to your interior dynamics so that you can chose how you want to be in the world and intervening consciously, you are doing this to bring your awareness to wholeness. In doing so, you will attract others with like energy into you life.

Your awareness of the fp of attachment and hearing the thoughts and feeling the pain as you challenge it in each moment is creating authentic power.

With gratitude, Carol Ann

Posted 11 years ago

I was in a two hour long meeting yesterday afternoon with the management association I belong to in my employment. The topic was about our labor agreement and focused on alot of “what if” future events such as our rights if there is a lay-off, a re-organization of our positions etc. I noticed my fps being triggered when the lawyer’s fps were behaving as if this is happening now. This supported me by bringing my attention to what was going on with me in the present moment. First I noticed the thoughts of my denial fps such as “i don’t care, who do they think they are” and other superior fp thoughts.” My energy centers were constricted and my breath shallow as alot of my fps that are so attached(get their identity from) my job position and achievements were active all at once. I knew this was an opportunity to learn more about myself and to challenge them by holding the space for myself and others with the intention to respect (be present) with what was going on with me. Even though it was a long meeting, it did not feel like that especially since it was at the end of the working day.I am grateful and shocked to have seen the intensity and attachments of these fps. I felt very overwhelmed with what I was hearing, but used my courage to bring myself back to the present. What was also surprising was that one of the leaders of this five-sensory meeting noticed and thanked us for our energy and presence during the meeting. On the topic of professional development she also added that we should look at “spirituality as this is the key to what is going on in our work place and our homes.” I trusted this as a message from the universe in that moment. It was a lovely way to end the end. I woke up this morning resetting my commitment to creating authentic power. I just wanted to share this with you with the intention to value and take seriously, my experiences and challenge fps that dismiss them as not important.

With love, Soula.

Posted 11 years ago

Hi Stephanie!

Realizing that I was believing frightened parts as true, when they were not true, was a powerful learning for me. And it was some of my spiritual partners who supported me in discovering this by asking… Is it possible you are believing frightened parts which are not true? In that particular situation I was believing fearful parts which felt overwhelmed and logical in thinking I could not take on another thing with a major house remodel underway. With their question, I decided to experiment and discovered I had more time and energy than I had been aware of. Another tool which has been helpful for me is to challenge frightened parts by doing the opposite of what they want to do. For example, if I (my frightened parts) are active and feeling, superior and detached, then I consciously shift my perspective to being present, attentive and grateful.

I congratulate you on posting this and opening yourself to your spiritual partners. I don’t know if this applies to you, but is it possible you are believing frightened parts which are not true?

With love… Cheryl

Posted 11 years ago

I once asked the facilitator of a four month self-discovery retreat I attended; “What if I discover I am not talented enough to live my passion?” She answered “Do it anyway.” And then she said “If you stay on the achievement highway, you’ll never be enough.”So here is my renewed intention to “loosen my white-knuckled grip on life’s steering wheel”, step off the achievement highway, and pay attention to all that is unresolved in my heart. To live the questions, before living the answers, and to live passionately, even though an fp (or many) may be afraid she is not enough.

Posted 11 years ago

Hello Spiritual Partners, my intention for writing is to challenge a very deep frightened part of my personality. During our last call the attachment that came up for me is my FP attachment to feeling separate and unworthy. It feels like an addiction. The FP is active in me now. My energy feels heavy all over, my throat is extremely achy and tight, my upper arms feel like they are being squeezed tight, my jaw is tight, my heart has a deep ache, my solar plexus feels empty, my sacral feels clenched tight. My FP thoughts are slow, withdrawn, like “I don’t even care, who cares.” It seems impossible that I am truly connected, united, One. I feel tempted to just be by myself, withdrawn from the world, to disconnect my energy from everyone and everything….the FP wishes that was possible. My intention is to heal this FP that controls my life. That has me forget to extend love, have my heart wide open and live as if I am loveable, I belong, I am united and worthy. I can tell this FP is losing it’s grip on me, I can see it and feel it more clearly; however the FP doubt is strong that I will ever not get got in it’s grip. My LP is open to Trusting the Universe…that is the perspective I am doing my best to choose in this moment.
Kristen Richardson

Posted 11 years ago

Hi Kelley,
I love what you said… ‘Living the Questions’. This is a Supportive reminder for me. This has been something I’ve been practicing as my fps love to ‘figure it all out’ or make me feel guilty when I’m living in the moment and not ‘doing what I should’. I’m learning that when I’m planning minute details way out in the future… it may be a fp trying to see if its safe enough to commit to it… If I can ensure I won’t ‘fail’, etc. My healthy parts know they can handle whatever comes up in the moment… because I’m not alone and I have SP’s and Guides. And now my dog, Bronco, but I make most of the decisions… except for when we go for a walk.

I look forward to seeing what flows into your life when you let go of the steering wheel…

Posted 11 years ago

Hi Kristen!
Thank you for sharing. I’m wondering how you were feeling right before those fps became so strong? Can you recall when you had felt Authentically Empowered before then. I’ll share my intention for asking.

It’s reminding me of an experience I had at the last Journey. There were moments I felt so connected to everyone and so clear… like truly a part of things. I had challenged fps that kept me separate from people in so many ways and I released the distance. Shortly before leaving the Journey, when I was feeling very close and integral with a group of Spiritual Partners, familiar fps came in, stronger than ever. It was terrifying! The fps felt invisible, flawed, unworthy, and so very distant from everyone–including myself. They were so convincing, even in that moment when I was aware. The sensations in my body were painful… mostly up in my chest and neck and across to my shoulders, like a ripping yet a tightening at the same time, shooting pain down my arms. I realized it was like an emotional shield, an electrical spark. I stayed with it and did not indulge the fears but it was so strong. It lessened but stayed with me about 2 weeks, never far away.

What I learned was that it was fps that Knew they were losing their grip on me, their ability to control me if I found my connection to others and realized my worthiness as an integral part to a group. (1-1 is okay but groups are especially scary to these fps). It was helpful for me to recognize when they showed up. It seems if I’m in a moderately connected place, they don’t have to be so strong. But when I am really ‘shining’ as my Authentic Self, they will come in and try to distract or stop me.

I’m still working on loving these fps and healing them. They do not want me to truly unite, connect, LOVE another person, especially a community. They want me isolated. But they are afraid. I don’t have to be. smile.

Thank you for sharing, Kristen. It was very supportive to me. In my remembering this experience and conveying it to you with the intention of support, I’m reminded how important it is to my Soul to connect with humanity and fellow Spiritual Partners. Thank you for giving me that opportunity.

With Love,

Posted 11 years ago

Hello Amy, thank you for your support, it is helping me go deeper with this FP. After support from my former husband, you and consulting my intuition, I was able to see this FP more clearly. It is a FP that feels I have abandoned myself by believing the FP perspective in my life. I judge myself for believing the FP perspective, that I should know better. I forgive myself, for I have always done the best I know and now I am seeing this more clearly so my intention is to do better. Now I sit with the duality of my realization, as if there are two of me, the “I” and “myself.” In this moment they both feel like me; that is my challenge. I intellectually know I am only 1…my Soul…”I”,……”I” abandoned myself.”….when a very strong, familiar FP becomes active and I indulge it, my Soul (I) perspective leaves my awareness, and I act out and become my FP (myself) perspective, only my Soul perspective isn’t really gone, it’s there the moment I access it…it is simply a choice away, when I can remember to choose. So, like Gary says I am to align them, have them meld into One, that allows the FP to simply flow into the Loving Part (my Soul) flawlessly, like melting into the love. I can feel this more deeply…that feels like One, more clearly now for me. Thank you Amy for your support!!!!

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