Landing Forums Spiritual Partnership Apology for inconsideration at the Journey Event 2014

Spiritual Partnership

Topic: Apology for inconsideration at the Journey Event 2014 - Cindy Started 10 years, 7 months ago

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Posted 11 years ago

I have been actively practicing to hold open the space for myself between stimulation and response so that I may practice the awareness of the moment of choice of intention, so that I may actively choose love in each moment to the best of my ability. I have also been choosing to view myself from a point of total trust in the Universe within that space so that there may be no limitations for the growth of my spirituality by way of choice. I am just really excited about possibility of growth and expansion.

There is an individual who has been at the Event for the past three years in which I have also attended. I have not been in a “group” with this person in which the individuals in groups together practice creating authentic power. I have never been together with this person on the Life School calls where we could practice together there, though I have heard their voice on the greeting at the beginning of those calls.

The only communication which I experienced with you at the Event occurred early in the Event and it was one which I initiated. I now realize how insensitive I acted during that brief encounter and I would like to offer you my apology.

I have been actively participating with my Soul since returning from the Event, the experience of holding myself and others in an active space of forgiveness. When I returned to my home, I found that the person whom I thought was going to “hang out” at my house some and water flowers and a few vegetable plants growing on the back deck, bring in the newspapers, and enjoy herself while here, did not come allow herself to have that experience which I believe she really likes to participate in. I am aware of some energy dynamics which I believe to be at play in this, but all of that is another matter. What I spent some time actively with last night was to hold myself with her, and others who are energetically and also physically present within the dynamics of the situation, within forgiveness, along with myself within forgiveness with them. I am setting the intention to experience the energy Life of Forgiveness within my intentions daily and it will be a relatively new experience to really see this in motion and I am excited to learn what this is really going to grow within and around me. I sense that this can be a continually opening expansion with boundless potential.

I also spent time with you in a space of energy last night. I can experience a lot of fearful parts when it comes to truly being open to others in true intimacy of relationship so this is also a very healthy dynamic for me to experiment with. I am setting the intention to actively hold energetic space for others in my daily life’s walk.

An interesting thing occurred last night as I was having meditation before going to sleep. With my eyes closed, I experienced that I kept seeing lots of people gathered. Occasionally I saw a “face” or two which appeared a little frightening but I allowed myself to not be afraid. I sensed that I was experiencing forms of nonphysical reality, guides and teachers, present with me, but also that some may have been of lower energy frequencies, (or perhaps my own fear projections) but I chose to not be afraid but to be in trust and open.

What was interesting was that I clearly heard myself say at a particular point, (in my mind and not aloud), “I hear you”, but I have no idea what it was that I had heard. I don’t know if it was the voice of intuition, but I suspect that it was from another human.

I have much homework to address before the next semester begins in August and I am going to be very fully engaged in that process. I am setting the intention to actively participate in the creation of authentic power in my life no matter what I am busily engaged with. I recognize that creating Authentic Power is something which I need to live in continual process with, not something that I do when I think of it or do not do when I engage with things which take a lot of my attention. As soon as I state this, FPs come up in abundance because they tell me that it’s not possible, or that this is too big of a challenge for me to possibly be able to bring fully into effect, realistically, in my life.

My intent this year in follow up of the Journey Event which I attended, is to do what the above paragraph states and to be then able to participate more actively in energy and other ways on the Life School calls.

Perhaps I will be with you again.

Posted 11 years ago

Hi Cindy,
Is it possible that you had a frightened part of your personality active when you wrote this? I see your commitment to creating authentic power, so I want to support you the best I can. When I read your post, I feel it jumps around and isn’t clear and concise. Are you feeling any uncomfortable physical sensations in your body? It was a joy to be with you at the Journey!

Posted 11 years ago

Kristen, thank you for your response. I have been considering since the three entries which I made recently here on this board, about my frightened parts and why it is, such as you noticed, that my entries are usually very long, jump around, and are not as clear and concise as I would like and which would be more helpful for others to understand. I’ve been continuing to read, “The Seat of the Soul”, and a book on Mindfulness by Thich Naht Hahn, simultaneously, since returning from Gary and Linda’s Journey retreat this year and find that, for me, the two books complement each other. In Gary’s chapter on Choice, I read about the splintered personality, and when he speaks about it he says, “You cannot choose your intentions consciously until you become conscious of each of the different aspects of yourself. If you are not conscious of each part of yourself, you will have the experience of wanting to say, or to intend, one thing, and finding yourself saying or intending something else.” In T N Hahn’s book it says, “One should not lose oneself in mind-dispersion…”. I know that it can be very difficult for me to express verbally, the deeper parts of myself, or to answer certain types of direct questions. When I am in fear, I often can’t even realize what it is that I truly want to say. When I’m alone and relaxed, it can come to me clearly what I want to say.

I’ve been working to stay in touch with my inner voice since returning from the Journey event this year and to reach out to Spirit Guidance more directly in voicing my commitment each day with Them and have witnessed more clearly some of the responses from the Universe to my communications with It. Sometimes I see the responses in my waking hours, such as “running into” people that I had not expected to see when I’ve been out and about. Also, with my dreams of late, I have experienced a deepening quality to them and I think that it’s becoming a little easier, at least with some of late, to see what meaning they have for me.

I want to learn more about what is truly within me and thus, to know myself intimately. With this as my commitment, I can learn and experience a different quality of growth in spiritual intimacy within my relationships with others.

I am grateful to have been with yourself and others at the Journey as well, and to have this Life School connection for continued growth together. I look forward to continued sharing with you.


Posted 11 years ago

What do you notice feeling in your body? My experience is when I feel the uncomfortable physical sensations in my body, and focus intently on those areas; the thoughts I notice associated with that pain supports me in seeing more clearly the frightened parts of my personality.What do you notice?

Posted 11 years ago


I’ve been noticing for the past few days, that I have been more in my head than in my heart. I feel pain in my solar plexus and chest areas. It feels like I rarely breath deeply and that my energy sort of stops at those points and doesn’t flow well throughout my lower centers. At those times, my thoughts are looking to the future or worrying about things and being anxious over them. Staying with emotional awareness truly does take a lot of continued effort. I have to stop myself and begin again very often. I have noticed that when I make the effort, I feel more deeply connected to life and my thoughts, then, reflect this. It is worth the effort and I will continue to return to this until it becomes a continuing practice.

Love, Cindy

Posted 11 years ago

Hi Cindy,

I appreciate your commitment to your spiritual growth. I am grateful for connecting with you at the journey!

Love Soula.

Posted 11 years ago

Soula, thank you….me too!


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