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Topic: Addiction and Spiritual Awakening - Linda K Started 3 years, 11 months ago
Posted 4 years ago
Hi my name is Linda K, form Grand Rapids, Michigan. I’m a recovering alcoholic and have be sober for over 30 years. I got sober with the help of Alcoholics Anonymous coupled with psychotherapy and medication. I have struggled all my life with addiction and drepression.In spite of getting sober, in spite of my education and academic achievements, and after seeking help from eleven different psychotherapists and four different psychiatrists, I still can’t master myself, and nobody seems to be able to help me. I thought I had identified the roots of my addictions and compulsions and healed my fragmented psyche; but instead, I’ve been living unconsciously, enslaved by my unresolved negative emotions that have compelled me to repeat and recycle painful hurts and patterns from my past. I’m 62 years old now and over the years I have substitued one addiction for another, nicotine, caffiene, chocolate, over-eating, under-eating, compulsive worrying, castastrophizing, perfectionism, on-line gaming, cable news, you name it, I got it. My last addiction got the best of me 2 years ago. |
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