Landing Forums General Discussion 7 years single – thoughts

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Topic: 7 years single – thoughts - Started 12 years, 9 months ago

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Posted 13 years ago


I have not been in an intimate relationship since November 9, 2004. This November is it coming on 8 years. It is for most (and for me) a very, very long time. During these 7 years and also a few before I have been healing from a sexual addiction. The healing has not been easy and I never considered engaging in an intimate relationship while healing. I also experience a lot of rejection. I am a mid-30s male and of course I don`t tell people that the reason I am single is because I am “healing.“ As a result I often find myself the target of various forms of anger. Former co-workers would either question or make fun of my sexuality in either direct or indirect ways and a few female partners of my male friends tend to get on me for either `not getting out there enough` or `being to picky` or simply being somewhat `strange.` I do have a hard time with all the forms of rejection even though I know that they are helping me to grow in love by offering me a choice on how I decide to respond.

then i have brief moments of wanting to throw in the `towel` and saying well maybe they are all right. maybe I will heal while in a relationship (even though my last one ended due to infidelity).

i feel like i am in the right direction but that it is and has been really hard. and there are moments when it feels like the really hard work won`t end. and i am finding my perception of feeling rejected has become very painful because I feel like people are not rejecting what i do but rather who i am.

any thoughts would be wonderful. there are moments when i think of me being single for 7 years that I debate whether i am just crazy.

with love,

Posted 13 years ago

I read your comment and understand that this is a very difficult time for you and that your past relationships were painful. I am sorry for your pain. My first thought was that you are very focused on the past and may be using that to create an inner conflict about wheither or not you should or should not be in a relationship. Today is a new day, you woke up and you are the person who you choose to be in this moment. It doesn’t matter what happened to you in the past. Every moment is a new opportunity to decide how you will react to another person. If the right person (or the wrong person) is put in your path then the outcome of that relationship is solely based on what choices you make today in this moment. If we practice what Linda and Gary are saying about always trying to make decisions from a place of love and spiritual integrity then the outcome will be positive. I am a firm believer in that the universe provides us with exactly what we need. I have gone through a lot of challenges in my life and I understand how difficult it can be to let go of the past. Forgiveness is never about forgiving those who we feel treated us badly, forgiveness is a gift we give ourselves. Anyway, those are my thoughts after reading your post. I hope you find some comfort.

Posted 13 years ago

Eric – I can’t help but feel the real test will come or rather ‘healing’ when you have another intimate relationship. I suspect all the feelings will come up again, perhaps stronger than ever, to allow you finally deal with them. This won’t be an easy process and I’m guessing you will feel comfort in going back to what you are well rehearsed in. The wonderful thing about this forum is you don’t have to – if you choose too. In the meantime, know you have people who want to see you succeed – unconditionally πŸ™‚

I would not be too worried about what others think. You can’t please everyone and even an individual will change their mind and opinions depending on the situation. Whether you have avoided relationships for the fear of experiencing pain or because you have not found the right one yet should not really bother you, unless you are trying to see a pattern. I would say trust the universe and block out the noise.

  • This reply was modified 12 years, 8 months ago by Rashelness. Reason: Didn't copy first paragraph
Posted 13 years ago

Eric – I understand where you’re coming from. I’ve made bad choices in relationships and have paid for those bad choices by finding myself now at 56 alone and in a “dark hole.” I base too much emphasis on relationships, I know. Yet I’m afraid to have one for fear of repeating the past. Afraid, afraid, afraid. That’s overwhelming me. If I felt as though I had some sort of purpose, I think the fear would go away. But every day for months, I wake by myself and my first waking thought is, Another day without a purpose. I always had a purpose . . . taking care of husband, children, parents. Husbands are gone, parents are gone, children are grown and in their own lives. I sincerely want to throw in the towel too. I hate this emptiness. I study and think, spend a lot of time in nature. I volunteer. And every single morning, I start the same way. There is no love here. I don’t know what to do. Where is the universe??? Am I fighting against what the universe thinks I need? If the universe thinks I need to feel this emptiness and lack of purpose, I don’t think I can do it every single day. I hope you and others find what you need. Selfishlessly, I hope I do too.

Posted 13 years ago

thanks for the reply.

For me I am trying to do my best. I too am scared to repeat the past because I know the pain that created my past in still in me. I have been doing my best to focus my energy on healing that pain. The pain that suggests that I am “not worth loving.” That deep pain/frightened part has been the source of so much of the damage I have done. My anger outbursts, my isolation, my desire at times to exploit others. In my opinion, I don’t believe that the pain can be healed by anyone outside of myself. I can also try to hide the pain but it will always come back out. I truthfully don’t know whether I am on the right path. But I am really trying to treat myself & others as authentically as I can. And my hope is that with time the pain will diminish in size and more importantly strength. But maybe that is not how it will happen. I truly do not know.

Posted 12 years ago

Hi Eric,
I’ve been trying to use this forum more because each time I do, I have such great results. I read through your posts about being single for 7 years and I wanted to thank you because what you wrote really shined a light on the frightened parts I have about dating. I have been single for about 2 years and only been on a few dates. Until I read your post, I had a lot of reasons why I haven’t gotten into a relationship and now I see clearly that the “reasons” are really just frightened parts that I have labeled reasons. I think now it is time for me to name each of these and become acquainted with them and choose to act from a loving part of my personality when they arise again. And who knows what will happen next. Thanks again! Rhea

Posted 12 years ago

Thx for responding Rhea. A lot has come up for me since I wrote that post. Mainly the realization that I had been making a choice to isolate which I was unaware of before. I did not realize how deep the FP has been in me about being inadequate and not worth loving. As a result of that FP I make a lot of choices that resulted in pain. For me, I am in a process of trying to cultivate loving parts by opening myself up to people. My intent is to try and do that first outside of any romantic relationship. In the past I would alternate between isolation and meaningless ‘romantic’ flings not being aware of how scared I was to just develop caring ‘platonic’ relationships
with people. It is taking a lot courage because that FP comes up very strongly for me. Basically, I feel I may still be single for a little while longer but not in isolation…opening up and being vulnerable with people and inviting them into my life. And I think the positive consequence of that will eventually be a loving intimate partnership.

It’s been and is tough work but that’s what my soul signed up for so I’m doing my best.

Thx for sharing as I personally get a lot out of the forum.

With love,

Posted 12 years ago

Hi Everyone — I haven’t been on the community board since early spring. Since then I have gotten divorced and your sharings here have really resonated with me, particularly since I have been focused on listening to my present thoughts and trying to feel what’s happening in my body when I interact with others — and particularly to anyone whom I am attracted to. I have also looked back at how I have dealt with relationships in the past and know that when socializing and getting to know others, I always had at least a couple of drinks in me to help cover my fear of intimacy. I now no longer drink and I also do not want to start again to use it as a crutch to hide from my fears. Eric, I also have had issues with rejection and have experienced much pain as a result. A couple of years ago, my pain over rejection was very strong. However, since my divorce, I feel like I have turned a corner and am now feeling more loving towards myself and others. I also feel more ready to enter into relationships so that I can learn from them and heal. Thanks, everyone, for sharing because it helps me to share and also to know that others are struggling with similar issues.

Posted 12 years ago


I recently had a conversation with a spiritual buddy and it made me realize that I still have a frightened part that is afraid of rejection and even though I am feeling more loving towards myself and others, I know there is still more work I need to do and frightened parts that I hope to face and challenge when relating to others. I am grateful for my spiritual friends and for the learning that takes place when we share from open and loving hearts. Deb

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