How Can I Distinguish My Personality from My Soul?
Your roles, relationships, and characteristics are aspects of your personality…
“Each emotion is a signal from your soul. When you ignore or repress emotions, you lose important information.”
– Gary ZukavYour roles, relationships, and characteristics are aspects of your personality…
Faith in the wisdom and compassion of the Universe can expand…
It is important to recognize the difference between…
If my intention is loving, can the karma I experience be painful…
All expressions of fear attempt to mask the pain of feeling powerless and unworthy….
Everything about you, including your appearance, serves your soul…
Personality is a temporary energy tool that the soul…
All forms of fear – such as anger, judgment, righteousness…
The intention behind a deed or word determines Karma…
You were born to experience intimacy, and you can create it with love…
An intention is a quality of consciousness that infuses your actions…
Romantic attraction is a temporary projection of healthy and constructive parts…