Power Struggles
Power Struggles are competitions for external power…
“Each emotion is a signal from your soul. When you ignore or repress emotions, you lose important information.”
– Gary ZukavPower Struggles are competitions for external power…
Creating authentic power yourself…
Explore the differences between the new use of courage…
Questions to ask yourself when you have a reaction…
Relationships between parents and children provide the most…
A participant describes how her commitment to spiritual growth…
Instead of avoiding your feelings, practice letting yourself fully experience your emotions.
Gary discusses spiritual partnership, authentic power, and the evolution of our species in this Earth school.
Gary describes the pain we have been trying to avoid feeling in our life…
Power struggles create pain. A participant talks about challenging the frightened part of the personality…
A participant shares her gratitude in recognizing frightened parts…
A participant describes his reaction to witnessing a power struggle…