Responsible Choices
Every choice you make creates consequences for you…
“Each emotion is a signal from your soul. When you ignore or repress emotions, you lose important information.”
– Gary ZukavEvery choice you make creates consequences for you…
If my intention is loving, can the karma I experience be painful…
The intention behind a deed or word determines Karma…
You can consciously choose thoughts that shift…
Demanding the world be as you desire it to be – the pursuit of external power…
As you begin to see that everyone’s journey through the Earth school
Become aware of your emotions in terms of physical sensations…
Sharing what you notice, if appropriate, when someone acts…
You can chose to act from a loving part of your personality…
When you shift your attention to a loving part of your personality…
You cannot choose the emotion you experience in the moment…
The characteristics of an authentically powerful personality…