Seven Billion Soul Mates
Each individual in the Earth school is a soul mate…
“Each emotion is a signal from your soul. When you ignore or repress emotions, you lose important information.”
– Gary ZukavBelow are in order of release with most current at the top.
Each individual in the Earth school is a soul mate…
What is the best way to support someone you think is reacting in fear?
Your interactions form the substance of your spiritual growth…
Live Teaching Session Audio from February 21st, 2015…
Live Teaching Session from February 21st, 2015 about Integrity.
Depression is an experience of a frightened part of your personality…
When you feel painful physical sensations in your energy processing centers…
Grace shows you temporarily what your life would feel like without fear…
Sometimes pain can distract you from a deeper pain…
Care-taking is different from care-giving…
Seeking fulfillment in relationships and circumstances is the pursuit of external power…
An addiction is an experience of a frightened part of your personality.