Multisensory Perception Brings A New Potential
The new potential of multisensory perception is Authentic Power…
“Each emotion is a signal from your soul. When you ignore or repress emotions, you lose important information.”
– Gary ZukavThe new potential of multisensory perception is Authentic Power…
The pain of powerlessness is a part of the human experience…
An illuminating talk about the evolution of our species…
An illuminating talk about the evolution of our species…
An illuminating talk about the evolution of our species…
Continual application of the practical tools to create authentic power…
Gary discusses spiritual partnership, authentic power, and the evolution of our species in this Earth school.
The way to become unaffected by someone else’s unhealthy choices is to be aware…
Gary discusses the transformation of human consciousness
Gary explains spiritual partnership and why it is important…
A wife describes her marriage-healing insights…